Proclamation, 2 November 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the second day of November Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years At the Lord Chancellours Lodgeing Councill called extraordinarie



Proclamatione for adjourning the parliament2

A proclamatione for adjourning the parliament In obedience to the forsaid Letter being Imediatly prepared wes read votted and approven and signed and appoynted to be published the morrow at the ordinarie tyme tyme3 with the usuall solemnityes whereof the tenor followes
William and Mary be the Grace of God King and Queen of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To our Lyon King at armes and his brethren Heraulds macers of our privie Councill pursevants messengers at armes our shirreffs in that pairt Conjunctlie and severally speciallie Constitute Greeting Forasmuchas we with advyce of the Lords of our privie Councill did by our proclamatione of the dait the tuenty sixt day of Jullij Last by past adjourne the Current parliament of this our ancient Kingdome of Scotland from the Seventeint day of August next to come to the sixteint day of november Current both in this present year Jaj vjc and nyntie tuo And now In regaird that the present state of our effairs in this our said ancient Kingdome doeth not requyre the meeting of our parliament so soon And that the members of parliament may not be put to the trouble and charge of meeting upon the said day Wee therefore with advyce of the Lords of our privie Councill hereby adjourne our said Current parliament untill the seventeint day of Januarij next one thousand six hundred and nyntie three years Hereby requyreing all the members of our parliament to give attendance at Edinburgh on that day in the accustomed maner And under certificationes contained in the severall acts of parliament Our Will is Herefore And wee charge yow strictly and Command that Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat croce of Edinburgh and to the mercat crosses of the wholl heid burghes of the severall shyres of this Kingdome And there in our name and authority be open proclamatione make publicatione of the said adjournement of our Current parliament of this our ancient Kingdome from the said sixteint day of November Instant to the said seventeinth day of January next and ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the third day of November and of our Reigne the fourth year Jaj vjc and nyntie tuo years Subscribitur ut Sederunt.

At Edinburgh 2 November 1682 at the lord chancellor’s lodging. Council called extraordinarily



Proclamation for adjourning the parliament2

A proclamation for adjourning the parliament in obedience to the foresaid letter being immediately prepared, was read, voted, and approved, and signed and appointed to be published the morrow at the ordinary time with the usual solemnities, whereof the tenor follows:
William and Mary be the grace of God king and queen of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defenders of the faith, to our lyon king at arms and his brethren, heralds, macers of our privy council, persuviants, messengers at arms, our sheriffs in that part conjunctly and severally, specially constituted greeting. For as much as we with advice of the lords of our privy council did by our proclamation of the date 26 July last by past adjourn the current parliament of this our ancient kingdom of Scotland from 17 August next to come to 16 November current, both in this present year 1692. And now in regard that the present state of our affairs in this our said ancient kingdom does not require the meeting of our parliament so soon, and that the members of parliament may not be put to the trouble and charge of meeting upon the said day, we therefore with advice of the lords of our privy council hereby adjourn our said current parliament until 17 January next 1693, hereby requiring all the members of our parliament to give attendance at Edinburgh on that day in the accustomed manner and under certifications contained in the several acts of parliament. Our Will is therefore and we charge you strictly and command that immediately these our letters [are] seen you pass to the mercat cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat crosses of the whole head burghs of the several shires of this kingdom, and there in our names and authority be open proclamation make publication of the said adjournment of our current parliament of this our ancient kingdom from the said 16 November instant to the said 17 January next, and ordain these present to be printed. Given under our signet at Edinburgh 3 November and of our reign the fourth year 1692. Subscribitur ut Sederunt.

1. PC1/48, 432-3.

2. Marginal note: ‘This proclamation is daited the third of november instant and booked here throw a mistake’.

3. Sic.

1. PC1/48, 432-3.