Att Edinburgh the Third day of November Jaj vjc and nyntie tuo years
Proclamation for a solemne and publict thanksgiveing
The proclamatione under wreitten being read approven and signed and ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followes William and Mary be the Grace of God King and Queen of great Brittaine France and Ireland defenders of the faith To […] Macers of our privie Councill messengers at armes our shirreffs in that pairt Conjunctly and severallie speciallie constitute Greeting Forasmuch as great and publict blessings Conferred upon us and our people by the Almightie God of his Infinite Goodnes does Justly call for publict acknowledgements and solemne thanksgiveing So it is our duety and the duety of all our Good subjects at this tyme by a day solemnely sett apairt To returne praise and Glory to his blessed name who in ansuer to the fervent and frequent prayers humbly and devoutly offered up and poured furth befor him at the severall solemne fasts observed and keept throw this our ancient Kingdome Dureing our Last Campaigne in Flanders hath been pleased to preserve our persone from the many and great dangers of the warr in our Late expeditione there And to dissappoint and defeatt the barbarous and horride Conspiracie for takeing away our Lyfe by assasinatione And to bring back our Royall persone to our kingdomes And at home to protect and defend the protestant religion and our government againest the designes and attempts of there open and secret Enemyes And for which causes also the ministers assembled in the synod of Lothian and Tweeddale with such as Correspond with them from severall other synods have made address to the Lords of our privie Councill That a solemne day of publict thanksgiveing may be sett apairt to be religiously observed throwghout this our ancient Kingdome Therefore wee with advyce of the Lords of our privie Councill doe appoint and Comand that the tenth day of November Current for the toun of Edinburgh and suburbs Comprehending Leith Canongate and West Kirk and the tuenty fourth day of the said moneth of november for all the rest of our2 ancient Kingdome be religiously and devoutly observed as a day of publict thanksgiveing by all persones within this Kingdome Both in Churches and meeting houses For returning most heartie and humble thanks and acknowledgement to the divyne Goodness for his signall blessings and delyverances alreadie bestowed upon us and our people and to Implore the Continuance thereof in the mercie of our God And that a Spirit of wisdome and Councill may assist us in our consultationes and undertakeings at hom and abroad in tyme comeing and to the Effect our will in the premises may be knowen Our Will is Herefore and we charge yow strictly and Comand that Incontinent thir presents seen ye pass to the mercat cross of Edinburgh and Remanent mercat Crosses of the wholl heid burghes of the severall shyres within this Kingdome And of the stewartryes of Kirkcudbright Annandaill and Orknay And there in our name and authority make publicatione hereof that none pretend Ignorance and ordaines our Sollicitor to cause make Intimatione hereof to the ministers within the toun of Edinburgh and suburbs Comprehending as above said By Sending Coppies to them Or any other way he thinks fitt And to cause send printed Coppies hereof to the shirreffs of the severall shyres and stewarts of the stewartries forsaids whom wee ordaine to see the same published And appoints them to send doubles thereof to all the ministers both in churches and meeting houses within there respective jurisdictiones That upon the Lords day Imediatly preceeding the said tenth and tuenty fourth dayes of november current The same may be Intimate and read in every paroch church and meeting house Certifyeing all such who shall contemne or neglect so religious and Important a duety as the thanksgiveing hereby appoynted is They shall be proceeded againest and punished as Contemners of our authority And as highly disaffected to our persones and government And ordaines thir presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the third day of November and of our reigne the fourth year Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years sic subscribitur Tweeddale Cancel: Drumlangrig Linlithgow Lothian3 Forfar Stair Cardross Francis Montgomerie
1. PC1/48, 434-5.
2. The word ‘said’ scored out here.
3. The word ‘Stair’ scored out here.
1. PC1/48, 434-5.