Att Edinburgh the Eight day of Maij Jaj vjc Nyntie tuo years
Lord Chancellour; Duke of Queensberry; Earl of Arguyll; Earl of Leven; Earl of Forfar; earl of Broadalbain; Viscount Stair; Lord Cardross; Lord Carmichaell; Lord Bellhaven; Lord Polwarth; Master of Forbes; Laird of Blackbarrony; Laird of Steivinstoun; Sir Thomas Livingstoun; Sir Patrick Murray
At Edinburgh 8 May 1692
[John Hay, earl of Tweeddale], lord chancellor; [William Douglas], duke of Queensberry; [Archibald Campbell], earl of Argyll; [David Leslie], earl of Leven; [Archibald Douglas], earl of Forfar; [John Campbell], earl of Breadalbane; [James Dalrymple], Viscount Stair; [Henry Erskine], Lord Cardross; [John], Lord Carmichael; [John Hamilton], Lord Belhaven; [Patrick Hume], Lord Polwarth; [William], master of Forbes; [Sir Archibald Murray], laird of Blackbarony; [Sir Robert Sinclair], laird of Stevenson; Sir Thomas Livingston; Sir Patrick Murray.