Warrant, 11 February 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Eleventh day of February Jaj vjc nyntie Two years



Warrand for delivering up the depositiones and grounds of proces Mr David Greme Against Murray

The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby give Ordor and warrand to their Clerks to Deliver to […] ane of the Clerks of Councill and session and Clerk to the proces presently depending before the saids Lords at the instance of Mr David Greme one of the Clerks to the bills against Sir Robert Murray of Abercairney upon precept, The depositiones taken in the proces formerly Deduced before the saids Lords of Privy Councill at the instance of the said Mr David against the said Sir Robert with the grounds and Warrands of the said proces before the Councill and the forsaid reciept is to bear ane obleisment for reproduceing the said Depositiones grounds and warrands of the proces when ever the said Lords of Councill shall requyre the same or ther proces before the session shall be discust.

Att Edinburgh the Eleventh day of February Jaj vjc nyntie Two years



Warrand for delivering up the depositiones and grounds of proces Mr David Greme Against Murray

The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby give Ordor and warrand to their Clerks to Deliver to […] ane of the Clerks of Councill and session and Clerk to the proces presently depending before the saids Lords at the instance of Mr David Greme one of the Clerks to the bills against Sir Robert Murray of Abercairney upon precept, The depositiones taken in the proces formerly Deduced before the saids Lords of Privy Councill at the instance of the said Mr David against the said Sir Robert with the grounds and Warrands of the said proces before the Councill and the forsaid reciept is to bear ane obleisment for reproduceing the said Depositiones grounds and warrands of the proces when ever the said Lords of Councill shall requyre the same or ther proces before the session shall be discust.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 25r-25v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 25r-25v.