Warrant, 17 May 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the seaventeinth day of Maij Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Warrand to the Sollicitor for Citeing horse Coupers

The Lords of there Majesties prive Councill doe hereby give order and warrand to there majesties sollicitor Instantly to raise Letters againest the horse Coupers in Edinburgh Glasgow and other places And to cause Cite these persones To Compear befor the Council that they may be Examined and give accompt of what horses they or any of them have Imported and brought from England to this kingdome or bought from such who have Imported the same since the first day of Apryll last by past in the termes of the proclamatione of Councill of the date the thretteint day of Apryll Last and recomends to the Lords Cardross and Beilhaven Sir John Lauder of Hattoun and Sir Archibald Murray of Blackbarrony or any tuo of them to examine the saids horse Coupers and report to the Councill

At Edinburgh 17 May 1692



Warrant to the solicitor for citing horse dealers

The lords of their majesties’ privy council hereby give order and warrant to their majesties’ solicitor instantly to raise letters against the horse dealers in Edinburgh, Glasgow and other places and to cite those persons to appear before the council so that they may be examined and give account of what horses they or any of them have imported and brought from England to this kingdom or bought from such who have imported the same since 1 April last in the terms of the proclamation of council of 13 April last and they recommend to the Lords Cardross and Belhaven, Sir John Lauder of Hatton and Sir Archibald Murray of Blackbarony or any two of them to examine the said horse dealers and report to the council.

1. PC1/48, 201-2.

1. PC1/48, 201-2.