Warrant, 21 January 1692 (pm), Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Tuenty first day of Janwary Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years Eodem Die post meridiem



The Lyke warrand Granted to the Lord Pollwarth

The Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Doe herby authorize and Requyre Patrick Lord Pollwarth shirrieff principall of the shiriefdome of Berwick to seie upon and Committ to prisone all sturdie Beggers Idle vagabounds and vagrant persones who Cannot Give a rationall account of the laces of their constant residence and way and manner of thir Living and how they are maintained As Lykeways all perones who are or shall be dilated to him for peckerie and pettie thift upon sufficient Evidence and proof uithin the bounds of the siad sherifdome of Berwick To be by his Lordship Delyvered to such of the offices presently Levying souldiers for their Majesties service in Flanders as he shall think fitt And to be by the saids officers transported to Flanders for their Majestiers service

At Edinburgh 21 January 1692, same day (pm)



The like warrant granted to the Lord Polwarth

The lords of their majesties’ privy council do hereby authorise and require Patrick [Hume] Lord Polwarth, sheriff principal of the sheriffdom of Berwick, to seize upon and commit to prison all sturdy beggars, idle vagabonds and vagrant persons who cannot give a rational account of the places of their constant residence, and way and manner of their living and how they are maintained, as likewise all persons who are or shall be dilated to him for pilfering and petty theft upon sufficient evidence and proof within the bounds of the said sheriffdom of Berwick to be by his lordship delivered to such of the offices presently levying soldiers for their majesties’ service in Flanders as he shall think fit, and to be by the said officers transported to Flanders for their majesties’ service.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 589.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 589.