Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Eight Day of Junij Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years
Warrand to give up Hay of Crimondmoggats bond
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of there majestyes privie Councill be William Hay of Crimondmoggat younger Shewing That where the petitioner haveing given bond for his peaceable behaviour and appearance when called for And now being charged to appear befor the saids Lords to ansuer what shall be Laid to his charge he haveing ever since Lived peaceablie at home And hes qualifyed himself in the termes of there majestyes most Gracious act of Indemnity and accepted thereof By tymous takeing the oath of alleadgeance and assureance as the report thereof made with the principall depositions for the shyre of Aberdeen Lyeing in the Clerks of Councills hands hes Instructed whereupon the petitioner humbly conceaves himself to be fully Liberate and therefore ought to have up his bond And therefore Craveing to the effect underwreitten as the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of there majestyes privie Councill haveing considered this petition Given in to them be the above William Hay They hereby give order and warrand to the Clerks of Councill to delyver up to the petitioner the above bond granted be him and his Cautioner of the dait the thretteint day of september Jaj vjc and nyntie yeirs In respect the petitioner hes taken the benefite of the act of Indemnity and that the oath of alleadgeance signed be him and his originall subscription thereto is transmitted to the Clerks of privie Councill
1. PC1/48, 294.
1. PC1/48, 294.