Att Edinburgh the Third day of November Jaj vjc and nyntie tuo years
Warrand for transporting Dobie and others from Dalkeith
The Lords of there Majesties privie Councill being Informed that John Gaskett saidler and Andrew Logan shoemaker in Dalkeith and Mr Thomas Dobie precenter or reader to Mr Herriot Late minister at Dalkeith are presently prisoners in the tolbooth of Dalkeith for putting on a bone fyre in the midle of the toun upon the fourteinth day of october Last and drinking the Late Kings health thereat being his brith day They recomend to James Earle of Drumlangrig Comander in cheiff for the tyme of there majesties forces within thes2 Kingdome To cause transport the saids three persones under a sufficient guaird to the tolbooth of Edinburgh And appoints the shirreff of Edinburgh or Bailzies of Dalkeith to delyver them to, and the magistrats of Edinburgh and Keeper of there tolbooth to receave them from the said guaird and to detain them prisoners in the Iron house of the said tolbooth of Edinburgh till further order And the saids Lords doe hereby recomend to Sir William Lockhart there Majesties Sollicitor to Enquyre in the said matter And to get what Informatione he can therein that the saids persones may be processed befor the Lords of Justiciarie upon the Councills order to be given for that effect when the sollicitor makes report that he is furnished with probatione
0. PC1/48, 433.
1. PC1/48, 437-8.
2. Word inserted above the line.
0. PC1/48, 433.
1. PC1/48, 437-8.