Att Edinburgh the Eighteinth day of January Jaj vijc and Sevine yeirs
Repryve to George Rattray
Her Majesties high Commissioner, and Lords of Privie Councell Doe heirby Repryve George Rattray Sentenced to death for the Crymes of Charmeing, Sorcery and witchcraft from the last Fryday of January instant to the Last Fryday of March nixt to come; And discharges the Said Sentence of death to be putt in execution against him till the said day; And Appoynts and Ordains the Magistrats of Inverness To See and cause the said Sentence of death pronounced against the said George Rattray by the Commissioners appoynted for his tryall, To be putt in execution Against him the Said Last Fryday of March nixt att the Same place, And in the Same maner mentioned in the Said Sentence Sic Subscribitur Seafeild Cancellar. Montrose P. Mar S. Bellcarras. Eglingtoun. Glasgow. De-Loraine. Forbes. Alexander Campbell. Gilbert Eliot
1. NRS, PC1/53, 494.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 494.