Procedure, 16 April 1707, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 April 1707, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Sixteinth day of Apryll Jaj vijc and sevine years



Report from the Bank of the English mill’d money in their hands

Report from the directors of the Bank of the quantitie of English milned money in ther hands Read and ordered to be recorded, wherof the tenor follows. Edinburgh the Eight day of Apryll Jaj vijc and Sevine years, present in a Committie of the Directors of the Bank James Marjoriebanks deputy Governor, Thomas Pringle, Mr Alexr Wedderburne; John Jamieson and Alexr Campbell directors, The Committie haveing befoir them ane order of the Lords of her Majesties privie Councell dated the Sevinth instant Discharging the Directors of the Bank from and after the sad day untill the Sevinteinth instant inclusive to receive any English milled money in payments or otherwayes, and ordaining the Directors to give in ane account to the Clerks of Councell betwixt and this day at twelve acloak, off all the English mill’d money in their hands In obedience to which order and Command the Committie haveing made as full and exact Search in their Cash as the short tyme prescribed would allow, Doe find that there is in their hands Sevine Thousand Eight hundreth pounds Sterling of English mill’d money; Ordered that the Secretary record this in the Companyes books; and to give in the same to the Clerks of Councell befor twelve acloak, Sic Subscribitur James Marjoriebanks D.G. Thomas Pringle Alexander Wedderburne John Jamieson Alexander Campbell.

Att Edinburgh the Sixteinth day of Apryll Jaj vijc and sevine years



Report from the Bank of the English mill’d money in their hands

Report from the directors of the Bank of the quantitie of English milned money in ther hands Read and ordered to be recorded, wherof the tenor follows. Edinburgh the Eight day of Apryll Jaj vijc and Sevine years, present in a Committie of the Directors of the Bank James Marjoriebanks deputy Governor, Thomas Pringle, Mr Alexr Wedderburne; John Jamieson and Alexr Campbell directors, The Committie haveing befoir them ane order of the Lords of her Majesties privie Councell dated the Sevinth instant Discharging the Directors of the Bank from and after the sad day untill the Sevinteinth instant inclusive to receive any English milled money in payments or otherwayes, and ordaining the Directors to give in ane account to the Clerks of Councell betwixt and this day at twelve acloak, off all the English mill’d money in their hands In obedience to which order and Command the Committie haveing made as full and exact Search in their Cash as the short tyme prescribed would allow, Doe find that there is in their hands Sevine Thousand Eight hundreth pounds Sterling of English mill’d money; Ordered that the Secretary record this in the Companyes books; and to give in the same to the Clerks of Councell befor twelve acloak, Sic Subscribitur James Marjoriebanks D.G. Thomas Pringle Alexander Wedderburne John Jamieson Alexander Campbell.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 503.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 503.