Att Edinburgh the Sevinth day of Apryll Jaj vijc and Sevine years
Order to the tacksmen of the Customes anent English milned money
The Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell considering the great inconveniencie that may aryse to this kingdome by privat persons importing great quantities of English milned money of purpose to tell in the same att Edinburgh in the termes of the proclamation of Counsell, and gett allowance of the fyve Shilling on the Crown out of the Equivalent, And then to returne the money to England; For preventing wherof the saids Lords doe heirby Recommend to the Tacksmen of the Customes to give orders to the officers of the respective Custome houses on the border, to take particular notice of what English money is imported in considerable quantities betwixt and the sevinteinth instant, and by whom, and to send in a particular account therof to the Clerks of privie Counsell, that so the fraudulent designs may be prevented.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 503.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 503.