Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February Jaj vijc and Sevine yeirs
Commission by the Council
Commission to the Earl of Levine to be Steuart principall of Strathearne etc.
Her Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Considering that the offices of Steuart principall of the Steuartrie and Lordshipe of Strathearne and Ballquhidder, and Baillie of the Regalitie of Drummond is vaccant and non exerceing the same, In respect of James Lord Drummond, Steuart principall of the said Steuartrie, and Lord of the said Regalitie, and who ought to appoynt a Stewart and Baillie therin, His being wnqualified, and not haveing Sworne and Signed the oath of alleadgance to her Majestie, nor haveing Signed the assureance Conforme to the acts of parliament and proclamations of Councell made theranent. Therfore to have made constituted and ordained; Lykeas his Grace, and the saids Lords of her Majesties privie Councell by these presents Makes, Constituts and ordains David Earle of Levine Lord Balgonie etc To be Steuart principall of the said Stewartie, and Lordshipe of Strathearne and Ballquhidder, and Baillie of the Regalitie of Drummond; Giveing and Granting wnto him (dureing the Councells pleasure only, or ay and quhill the said Lord Drummond or his Successors be qualified in the termes of the saids acts of parliament and proclamations of Councell) the offices of Steuart principall of the said Steuartrie and Lordshipe of Strathearne and Ballquhidder, and Baillie of the said Regalitie of Drummond; with all and sundrie powers, Jurisidctions priviledges, prehemenicies, fees, duties, casualities, profites, liberties, and immunities whatsomever therto belonging, as the samen wer possest and enjoyed by any preceeding Steuart principall or Baillie of the said Stewartrie and Regalitie; With power to the said David Earle of Levine dureing the Space forsaid to use and exerce the saids offces of Steuart principall and Baillie within the said Steuartrie and Regalitie by Sitting and holding of Courts, Judgeing decydeing and determineing in all actions, causes, as well civill as Criminall, Bloodwits and ryots upon lyfe and limb, and all other actions and affairs pertaining to the saids offices of Stewart principall and Baillie of the said Stewartrie and Regalitie alse fully and freely in all respects and conditions as any other Stewart or Baillie of the said Stewartrie and Regality was in use and had right to doe of befor, and to make, creat and Substitut deputs and Substituts wnder him in the saids offices (for whom he is to be answerable) with Clerks, officers, Serjeants, dempsters and other servants of Court, and the Samen als oft as need beis, to alter and change, and to intromett with and uptake all fees, casualities, commodites, duties and profits belonging to the saids offices, dureing the space abovementioned with all boodwits, escheats, and amerciaments of the saids Courts of Stewartrie and Regality and generallie with power to the said David Earle of Levine as Steuart principall and Baillie of the said Stewartrie and Regalitie, To doe, use and exerce all and Sundrie other things concerning, pertaining and Belonging to the saids offices of Stewart principall and Baillie of the said Steuartrie and Regality dureing the Space forsaid, als fully and freely in all respects as any other Steuart or Baillie therof hes done, used or exerced. The said David Earle of Levine befor he enter to exerce the saids offices of Steuart principall and Baillie of the said Steuartrie and Regalitie first Swearing the oath of alleadgance, and Signeing the Same with the assureance to her Majestie Conforme to the Acts of Parliament and proclamations of Councell made theranent: Given att Edinburgh the Twentie fourt day of February Jaj vijc and Sevine yeirs Sic Subscribitur Queensberrie Commissioner Seafeild Cancellar. Montrose P. Mar S. Loudoun S. Mortoun. Glencairne. Dallhousie. Northesk. Kintoir. Cromartie. Stair. Glasgow. Ilay.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 496.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 496.