Act, 7 April 1707, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 April 1707, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Sevinth day of Apryll Jaj vijc and Sevine years



Act Banishing John Johnstoun and others

The Lord president of Session haveing represented to the Board that in a proces intented at the instance of the procurator fiscall of the Regality of Dallkeith against John Johnstoun, Christian Kerr, Janet Somervell and Jean Johnstoun Sorners, vagabounds and Masterfull Beggars, The Baillie of the said Regality by his decreet of the date the twentie third day of August Jaj vijc and six years, Fand the defenders all in the terms of the acts of parliament Lybelled, sorners, vagabounds and Masterfull Beggars, and ordained their moveables to be confiscatt and escheat, and themselves banished furth of the said Lordshipe and Regality, and farder banished the Kingdome never to returne; But in respect that the said Jurisdiction of the said Regality was Limited, The said Baillie Recommended to the Lords of privie Counsell to putt the sentence in execution by sending the saids defenders to the plantations otherwayes as their lordships should think fitt, The Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the above verball representation with the decreet thereinmentioned, The saids Lords have Banished and heirby Banishes the saids John Johnstoun Christian Kerr, Janet Somervell and Jean Johnstoun furth of this kingdome, and have discharged and heirby discharges them and ilk ane of them to returne therto, without her Majesties or the privie Counsells leave under the pain of death.

Att Edinburgh the Sevinth day of Apryll Jaj vijc and Sevine years



Act Banishing John Johnstoun and others

The Lord president of Session haveing represented to the Board that in a proces intented at the instance of the procurator fiscall of the Regality of Dallkeith against John Johnstoun, Christian Kerr, Janet Somervell and Jean Johnstoun Sorners, vagabounds and Masterfull Beggars, The Baillie of the said Regality by his decreet of the date the twentie third day of August Jaj vijc and six years, Fand the defenders all in the terms of the acts of parliament Lybelled, sorners, vagabounds and Masterfull Beggars, and ordained their moveables to be confiscatt and escheat, and themselves banished furth of the said Lordshipe and Regality, and farder banished the Kingdome never to returne; But in respect that the said Jurisdiction of the said Regality was Limited, The said Baillie Recommended to the Lords of privie Counsell to putt the sentence in execution by sending the saids defenders to the plantations otherwayes as their lordships should think fitt, The Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the above verball representation with the decreet thereinmentioned, The saids Lords have Banished and heirby Banishes the saids John Johnstoun Christian Kerr, Janet Somervell and Jean Johnstoun furth of this kingdome, and have discharged and heirby discharges them and ilk ane of them to returne therto, without her Majesties or the privie Counsells leave under the pain of death.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 502-3.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 502-3.