Att Edinburgh the Twentie eight day of March Jaj vijc and sevine years
Proclamation anent the Inglish Silver Coyne
Proclamation anent the English Silver Coyne Read, voted and approven, Signed and ordered to be recorded, printed and published, wherof the tenor follows.
Anne by the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittaine, France and Irland defender of the faith To our Lyon King att armes, and his brethren Heraulds, Meacers of our Privie Councell, pursevants messengers att armes our Shirreffs in that pairt, Conjunctllie and Severallie Speciallie constitut Greeting, Forasmuchas by the Sixteinth article of the Treatie of Union betwixt the two Kingdoms, It is provyded that from and after the Union, The Coyne Shall be of the Same Standart and value throw out the United Kingdome as now in England, And that our high Commissioner, and Estates of parliament of our Kingdome In ther last Session of parliament, did remitt to a Committie to consider the state of the Coyne of this Kingdome, and make report concerneing the Same, And the said Committie haveing made report accordingly, our said Lord high Commissioner and Estates of parliament did wpon the thretteinth instant of March, Haveing considered the report of the said Committie anent the Coyne, They did approve therof In the terms following, and ordered and appoynted that for changing of the coynage of the currant money of this Kingdome, The Commissioners of the Equivalent, Should be ordained housoon ever the Sowmes for the Equivalent Should be lodged in ther hands, To receive all Sowmes of money consisting of money that hath past the Mint of this Kingdome,2 all forraigne Species3 att the rates the Samen are now currant within this Kingdome, Except English money, And Shall immediatly cause pay out of the Equivalent of English money att fyve Shillings per Crown, The equall Sowme in Taill, to what was payed in of the forsaid money presently currant in Scotland, To the persone who payed in the forsaid Scots money And that without delay, loss, or defalcation, And for makeing up the loss which privat persons may Sustaine when the English money now currant in this Kingdome Shall be reduced to the Standart of England att fyve Shillings per Crown, our said Commissioner and the Estates of parliament ordered and appoynted that the Lords of our Privie Councell Should name and appoynt particular persons att Such pairts and places of the Kingdome as they Should think fitt, befor whom all persons are appoynted by proclamation to be requyred, To Compear wpon one and the Same day, And there to tell down in presence of the saids persons one or more which Should be named by the said proclamation, what English Silver money they have which being So ennumerated, the persons So to be named, are appoynted to Seall the Same, And detaine it in his or ther persone till Six acloak att night that day, and imediatly therafter delyver back the Same to the owner, with a declaration Signed by him or them befor two wittnesses bearing the Sowme Exhibited and 4 enumerated, Together with the Sowme payed out by the partie effeiring to twentie pence wpon each hundreth pounds Sterling to the Teller, And the forsaid respective person or persons to be named by the saids Lords of our Privie Councell are appoynted to keep ane Exact account of the certificats granted by him or them And of the persons names to whom, and the Sowme that Shall be therin contained, And which account Subscrybed wnder his or ther hand that Same day befor wittnesses, heartily Is by proclamation to be ordained to Send to the Clerks of Privie Councell, wnder the penaltie of Fyve hundreth merks, And the Said proclamation So to be published wpon the premisses, Is appoynted expressly to5 discharge wnder Sevear penaltie, As that of Forgerie or other pains, The receiving of any other money in wpon any other day after the preceise day to be appoynted by the Saids Lords of Privie Councell, And Is to bear ane express clause dischargeing Inglish money to pass att any higher rate then in England att fyve Shillings Sterling per Crown, And So proportionallie, or to be otherwayes Currant or offered to be received in payments after the said day tha the Saids Certificats to be granted by the Saids respective persons to be named by the Privie Councell Shall be a Sufficient title for recovering of the loss arysing from the Sowmes therin contained with what they payed out to the teller, Out of the Equivalent, And the Commissioners of the Equivalent are to be expressly ordained to pay out the Same to the bearers of the Certificats, without delay, loss or defalcation, And it was appoynted that the said proclamation Should be published a few dayes befor the Said preceise day6 above7 mentioned to be affixed for telling of the money, As the Saids Lords of our Privie Councell Should think fitt, And that the loss to be made up, be only for the Silver coynage, And did therby Remitt to the Lords of our privie Councell to emitt the forsaid proclamation In Such terms, And with Such orders, And appoynting the execution therof after Such maner as they Should think fitt. Therfore wee with advyce of our Privie Councell have Appoynted and heirby Appoynts the Places and persons intrusted, and the day and tyme ordered by the said Remitt of Parliament To be as Follows Viz The Towns of 8Edinburgh Glasgow and Aberdeen, To be the places for telling in of9 the said money, And that att the Town of Edinburgh there be three tables and district offices for receiving in of the money, one in the Innerhouse wher the Lords of Session are in use to meet, another in the Laigh Councell house wher the Magistrats of Edinburgh wer in use to meet, And the third in the new rowme for the meeting of the Burrows on the low Exchange, And that each of the Saids tables be attended with a Sufficient number of tellers and Clerks for wryting Certificats, To be appoynted by the Magistrats of Edinburgh; And farder that at each office or table, there be present one of the Lords of our Privie Councell, And one of the Saids Magistrats, As also that one of the saids Lords, and one of the Magistrats, with a Sufficient number of tells and ane Clerk, goe to the Bank office for telling of English silver money in the Bank; As also that at Glasgow and Aberdeen ther be competent tables keept att the respective Counsell houses of the saids burghs respective by at least three of them to be present att the receaving and telling in of the said money, And that the day for telling the said money be the Sevinteenth day of Apryll nixt to come, And that the attendance begine att the respective places abovementioned att Six in the morning, and continue till twelve acloak, And to begine again att two in the afternoon, and to continue till Six in the evening the said day, att which tymes and places all persons within this kingdome haveing money of the Silver coyne of England, are requyred to present and offer the said money to be told that they may receive Certificats in maner above and after mentioned, And the persons intrusted respectively as above, are heirby requyred to receive from all persons what English money they have att present, and tell down in ther presence, which being So exhibite and told down, the saids persons intrusted are to Seall wp the Same in Baggs, and detaine it till the said six acloak of the Same day, and immediatly to delyver it back to the owner, with a certificat Signed by the persons abovementioned respective Viz att Edinburgh by the Lord of Privie Councell, and Magistrat, attending at each office, and table, and att the Bank office, And att Glasgow and Aberdeen by the Magistrats of the saids Burghs or three of them respectively befor two wittnesses, bearing the Sowme exhibite and told down, with the Sowme ordained to be payed out by the pairtie to the teller, effeiring to twentie pence wpon each hundreth pounds Sterling, and the forsaids persons respective abovenamed are heirby ordained to wrytt down ane exact accompt of the respective Certificats to be granted by them, And of the persons names to whom, And of the Sowmes that Shall be therin contained; And the Saids persons named and intrusted as aforsaid, are heirby requyred and ordained to Subscribe the Said Generall accompt befor wittnesses wpon the Same day abovementioned, And to transmitt the Same to the Clerks of our Privie Councell without delay wnder the penaltie of Fyve hundreth merks, and wee with advyce forsaid heirby expressly discharge the receiving in any English money wpon any other day after the forsaid preceise day appoynted as said is, or altering any Certificats formerly granted wnder the paine of falsehood and forgerie; As Lykewayes wee with advyce forsaid discharge the English money to pass at any higher rate, then the rate of England att fyve Shillings Sterling per Crown, And So proportionallie, And that it Shall be no otherwayes Currant, nor offerred or received in payment after the said day; And furder wee declaire the saids Certificats to be granted by the saids respective persons intrusted as said is, are to be a Sufficient title for recovering the loss aryseing from the Sowmes therin contained, and what was payed to the teller, out of the Equivalent, And Wee with advyce forsaid ordaine the Commissioners of the Equivalent to pay out the Same to the bearer of the Certificats without delay, loss or defalcation, And that how Soon the Saids Commissioners Shall have received the Sowme of the Equivalent out of which the said Loss is to be repaired, declairing that the loss to be made upon the said English money Is only for the Species of Silver Coyne Our Will is Heirfore and wee charge yow Strictly and Command that in continent thir our Letters Seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and remanent mercat Crosses of the head burghs of the respective Shyres and Steuartries within this Kingdome, and therat by open proclaamtion make publication heirof that non may pretend ignorance, And ordains these presents to be printed, And our Solicitors to dispatch coppies heirof with all possible haist, to the Shirreffs of the Severall Shyres Steuarts of the Severall Steuartries, and Magistrats of the Royall Burrows within this Kingdome for publication as said is; Given wnder our Signet att Edinburgh the Twentie eight day of March, And of our reigne the Sixth year Jaj vijc and Sevine Sic Subscribitur Queensberrie Commissioner. Seafeild. Cancellar. Montross. P. Loudoun S. Morton. Galloway. Findlater. Bellcarras. Forfar. Kintoir. Glasgow. Dunmore. Hyndfoord.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 500-1.
2. The words ‘And English money’ scored out.
3. Insertion.
4. The word ‘delyvered’ scored out.
5. Insertion.
6. The word ‘of’ scored out.
7. Insertion.
8. The letters ‘Glas’ scored out.
9. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 500-1.
2. The words ‘And English money’ scored out.
3. Insertion.
4. The word ‘delyvered’ scored out.
5. Insertion.
6. The word ‘of’ scored out.
7. Insertion.
8. The letters ‘Glas’ scored out.
9. Insertion.