Act, 12 March 1706, Edinburgh

Procedure: committee formed, 28 December 1706, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twelfth day of March Jaj vijc and Six years Counsell Called extraordinary



Act In favours of Mr John Webster for possession of the Kirks manse and Gleib of Fetternesso

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell by Mr John Webster Minister of Fetteresso, Shewing that in the proces att his instance and the agent for the Kirk Against Mr Gideon Guthrie Intruder at the said Kirk of Fetteresso and Severall others, The Saids Lords inrespect of the not Compearance of the defenders, Granted certification in comon forme; And wpon the petitioners application by bill, Their lordships wer also pleased to ordaine the Shirreff of Kincardine not only to putt the petitioner in possession of the said Kirk of Fetteresso, but also to mantaine and defend him therin, And for that effect to make the kirk open and patent, and delyver the keyes therof to the petitioner, as ane act extracted therupon bears: And Seeing the Said Mr Gideon Guthrie continues the possession of the Manse and Gleib att Fetteresso, And that unless the saids lords appoynt him furthwith to remove, It would be impossible for the petitioner to attaine the possession therof, and by consequence to attend his charge att the Said Kirk as he owght, and that the most effectuall way would be to grant warrand to and appoynt the Shirreff of the Shyre to putt the petitioner in possession of the said Manse and Gleib, and dispossess the said Intruder, And therfor craveing to the effect wnderwrytten, as the said petition bears; The Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell haveing considered the said petition given in to them by Mr John Webster And the Samen being read in ther presence, The Saids Lords doe heirby Decerne and Ordaine the Said Mr Gideon Guthrie Intruder att Fetteresso, and to leave the Samen voyd and redd, that the petitioner may enter therto, And peaceably bruik and possess the Same, dureing his Incumbencie therat, And Ordains the Shirreff of Kincardine and his deputs to dispossess the said Mr Gideon Guthrie, And to Setle mantaine and defend the petitioner in the peaceable possession therof, And Ordains letters of horning wnder the Signet of Councell to be direct heirupon both against the said Mr Gideon Guthrie to remove, And als against the Shirreff and his deputs for putting the petitioner in possession of the said Kirk, Manse and Gleib.

Att Edinburgh the Twelfth day of March Jaj vijc and Six years Counsell Called extraordinary



Act In favours of Mr John Webster for possession of the Kirks manse and Gleib of Fetternesso

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell by Mr John Webster Minister of Fetteresso, Shewing that in the proces att his instance and the agent for the Kirk Against Mr Gideon Guthrie Intruder at the said Kirk of Fetteresso and Severall others, The Saids Lords inrespect of the not Compearance of the defenders, Granted certification in comon forme; And wpon the petitioners application by bill, Their lordships wer also pleased to ordaine the Shirreff of Kincardine not only to putt the petitioner in possession of the said Kirk of Fetteresso, but also to mantaine and defend him therin, And for that effect to make the kirk open and patent, and delyver the keyes therof to the petitioner, as ane act extracted therupon bears: And Seeing the Said Mr Gideon Guthrie continues the possession of the Manse and Gleib att Fetteresso, And that unless the saids lords appoynt him furthwith to remove, It would be impossible for the petitioner to attaine the possession therof, and by consequence to attend his charge att the Said Kirk as he owght, and that the most effectuall way would be to grant warrand to and appoynt the Shirreff of the Shyre to putt the petitioner in possession of the said Manse and Gleib, and dispossess the said Intruder, And therfor craveing to the effect wnderwrytten, as the said petition bears; The Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell haveing considered the said petition given in to them by Mr John Webster And the Samen being read in ther presence, The Saids Lords doe heirby Decerne and Ordaine the Said Mr Gideon Guthrie Intruder att Fetteresso, and to leave the Samen voyd and redd, that the petitioner may enter therto, And peaceably bruik and possess the Same, dureing his Incumbencie therat, And Ordains the Shirreff of Kincardine and his deputs to dispossess the said Mr Gideon Guthrie, And to Setle mantaine and defend the petitioner in the peaceable possession therof, And Ordains letters of horning wnder the Signet of Councell to be direct heirupon both against the said Mr Gideon Guthrie to remove, And als against the Shirreff and his deputs for putting the petitioner in possession of the said Kirk, Manse and Gleib.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 455.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 455.