Procedure, 11 July 1706, Edinburgh

Procedure: committee formed, 28 December 1706, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Ellevinth day of July Jaj vijc and Six yeirs



Remitt to the Judges of Admirality to try and Judge a French privateer, and ane Irish Shipe retaken

The Marques of Montrose Lord president of privie Councell haveing represented to the Board that Captain Matthew Campbell Commander of her Majesties Ship the Dumbarton Castell, had acquanted his lordship that he had taken a French privateer, and retaken ane Irish Ship, which the said French privateer had taken, and in her custody, The Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell Doe heirby remitt to the Judges of the high Court of Admirality to try and adjudge the said French privateer, and grants warrant to and ordains the said Captain Matthew Campbell to keep and detaine the said Irish Shipe, and remitts to the saids Judges of the said high Court of Admirality to cognose and determine her case conforme to the maritime Law.

Att Edinburgh the Ellevinth day of July Jaj vijc and Six yeirs



Remitt to the Judges of Admirality to try and Judge a French privateer, and ane Irish Shipe retaken

The Marques of Montrose Lord president of privie Councell haveing represented to the Board that Captain Matthew Campbell Commander of her Majesties Ship the Dumbarton Castell, had acquanted his lordship that he had taken a French privateer, and retaken ane Irish Ship, which the said French privateer had taken, and in her custody, The Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell Doe heirby remitt to the Judges of the high Court of Admirality to try and adjudge the said French privateer, and grants warrant to and ordains the said Captain Matthew Campbell to keep and detaine the said Irish Shipe, and remitts to the saids Judges of the said high Court of Admirality to cognose and determine her case conforme to the maritime Law.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 478.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 478.