Att Edinburgh the Sevinth day of March Jaj vijc and Six years
Exoneration In favours of Sir Gilbert Elliot of Minto as Clerk of Councell
The Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell Doe heirby Recommend to the Earle of Lauderdale Lord President of Session, Lord Register, Lord Justice Clerk and Mr Francis Montgomrie, or any one of them to Call for Sir Gilbert Elliot of Minto, one of the Senators of the Colledge of Justice, And Andrew Wauch wryter in Edinburgh, Servant to the two Clerks of Privie Councell, and intrusted by them in the said office, and take ther oaths, That they have non of the Bonds, warrands, processes, depositions taken theron, or grounds therof, Registers, Records, King or Queens Letters, Proclamations, Seall and Cashet of Counsell, or any keyes belonging therto, And that they have not fraudfully abstracted or putt away any of them, And to report to the Councell, That the Saids Sir Gilbert Elliot and Andrew Wauch may be fully and freely exonered and discharged therof, And of ther Said Service and trust in the said office In all tyme comeing, And that betwixt and the nixt Councell day, According to which appoyntment the Lord Justice Clerk one of the Said Committie, having Called for the Said Sir Gilbert Elliot and examined him on his great oath, He deponed that to the best of his memory and knowledge he hes non of the bonds, warrands, processes, depositions taken theron, or grounds therof, Registers, Records, King or Queens letters, proclamations, Seall and Cashet of Councell, or any keyes belonging to the Councell office, And that he had not fraudfullie abstracted or putt away any of them, which was truth as he Should answer to God, As his deposition extant in proces bears, And the said Lord Justice Clerk haveing this day reported to the Saids Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell, that the said Sir Gilbert Elliot had given his oath in the terms of the remitt of Councell theranent; And the Saids Lords haveing considered the Samen with the said Sir Gilbert his oath and deposition which was read in their presence, The Saids Lords of her Majesties privie Councell have not only exonered and discharged, Lykeas they heirby for now and ever Exoner and discharge the said Sir Gilbert Elliot of his trust and Service that he had In the said privie Councell office and Chamber, But also have declaired and heirby declairs him quyte therof, and free therfrae, and of any trouble therfor, or being called to ane account for any thing concerning the Samen, or his Service and trust theranent in all tyme comeing.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 450.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 450.