Att Edinburgh the Sixth day of June Jaj vijc and Six years
Letter: from the Council
Letter from the Councell To the Secretary of State for Convoys to Scots Ships in the Balltick
Letter from the Councell to the Earle of Loudoun Secretary of State to be Laid befor her Majestie for Convoys to Some Scots Ships in the Balltick, Read, voted, approven, and ordered to be recorded, and Recommended to the Earle of Buchan to Signe and transmitt the Same to Court, The tenor wherof follows.
My Lord
Ther hath been a representation made to the Lords of privie Councell Inbehalfe of a great many Scots masters of Ships now abroad in the Balltick, that sometyme in June ther may be Twentie fyve or Threttie Saill of Scots Ships att Gottenbegh that will need a Convoy for Scotland, And therfor desyreing that orders may be given to Captain Gordon and to Captain Hamillton to come that length and Convoy them homeward, As the coppy of the letter from Dantzick in Apryll last to one of the Clerks of Councell heirwith sent bears, Wherupon wee thought fitt that the case should be transmitted to your lordships to be laid befor her Majestie, with our opinion, which is that because our frigots cannot be wanting to defend our coasts now in the Summer from Small privateers that infest ws, Therfor it may please her Majestie to give her Royall orders to the Admirality of England to Send two or three of Majesties Ships of warr for this Convoy My Lord, This would be a considerable kindness and advantage to this kingdome, and the trade therof, And therfor wee again recommend it to your lordships care, And whatever her Majestie Shall appoynt, Shall be duly Signified to these concerned, But this being now the Seasone, wee expect your lordships answer with the first conveniencie, Signed in presence, By order, and in name of the Lords of her Majesties privie Councell By, My Lord, Your Lordships most humble Servant Sic Subscribitur Buchan.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 471.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 471.