Att Edinburgh the thretteinth day of July one thousand Sevine hundreth and Six years
Warrand to the Commander in Chieff of the forces for reduceing the Same for the Garison of Blackness
The Lords of her Majesties privie Councell In prosecution of and in obedience to her Majesties Royall Letter of the date the Threttie one of May last, wherby for makeing provision for the2 Company of foot, which her Majestie orders to be placed as a Garison in the Castell of Blackness Her Majestie hath thought fitt to make the reducements following in maner mentioned in the said Letter and heir Subjoyned, Doe by these presents Give order to the Commander in Cheiff of her Majesties forces in this Kingdome to reduce one man out of each Company of the Three Redgments of foot Commanded by Major Generall Maitland, The Laird of Grant younger, And the Lord Strathnaver, And one man out of each Troup of the two Redgment of Dragoons Comanded by the Marques of Lothian, and the Lord Carmichell, as also to reduce the present Garison of the said Castell of Blackness Setled by the last establishment; And farder in respect her Majestie hath by her Commission under her Royall hand, Given the Command of the said Company to be placed as a Garison in the said Castell as said is, To the Earle of Buchan, As her Majesties said Commission, with her Majesties Letter to the Lords of Theasaury bears; Therfore the Saids Lords of Councell Doe heirby Order the said Comander in Chieff to cause delyver to the said Earle of Buchan the persons of Twentie four Sufficient men of the said reducements att such place and tyme as shall be aggreed betwixt the said Earle and Commander in Chieff, with all convenient dispatch, For doeing wherof this shall be to the said Commander in Chieff a Sufficient warrant.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 482.
2. The word ‘foot’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 482.
2. The word ‘foot’ scored out here.