Act, 6 August 1706, Edinburgh

Procedure: committee formed, 28 December 1706, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Sixth day of August Jaj vijc and Six years



Act allowing the Captain and Livetennants of a French privateer to returne to ther own Countrey

The Lords of her Majesties privie Councell doe heirby allow the Captain and Livetennants of the French privateer lately taken by Captain Matthew Campbell to returne to ther own Countrey, and Recommends to Sir James Steuart her Majesties Advocat to grant them Sufficient passes for that effect.

Att Edinburgh the Sixth day of August Jaj vijc and Six years



Act allowing the Captain and Livetennants of a French privateer to returne to ther own Countrey

The Lords of her Majesties privie Councell doe heirby allow the Captain and Livetennants of the French privateer lately taken by Captain Matthew Campbell to returne to ther own Countrey, and Recommends to Sir James Steuart her Majesties Advocat to grant them Sufficient passes for that effect.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 483.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 483.