Att Edinburgh the Twentieth day of March Jaj vijc and six years. Councell Called extraordinary
Act for a voluntar Levie of Seamen
Act for a voluntar Leavie of Seamen, Read, voted and approven, and the Samen in her Majesties letter to be prefixed therto ordained to be printed and recorded, and the Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell Doe heirby Recommend to David Earle of Weemes Lord high Admirall To fill up the day betwixt and which the Seamen are to repair to Leith, and that befor the Samen be printed.
The Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell In prosecution of her Majesties letter direct to them on the Twentie Sevinth of February last, And makeing mention that one of her men of warr, Sent for Convoy into the road of Leith, Is to ly some dayes their, and to receive what Seamen will voluntarly enter themselves to Serve in the Royall Navie, who for ther incouragment are to have fourty Shillings Sterling each Seaman at his entrie; And from that tyme the Same pay and intertainement that her Majesties English Seamen doe receive; And therfor recommending to ther lordships care to fall wpon Such methods as they Judge proper for giveing notice to all Seamen, that Such as are willing to enter into her Majesties Service on board her fleet, may know wher to goe and List themselves, And to give all other incouargment and assistance to the Captain of the said man of warr for raising Seamen that may be consistant with the laws of the kingdome, Giveing alewayes Speciall order for preventing abuses and disorders in makeing these levies, Doe therfore heirby ordaine the Magistrats of the repsective burghs and Sea-touns within the Firths of Scotland, or els wher upon any of the coasts therof, or any other persone haveing warrand from the said Captain to beat drums within ther saids burghs and Sea-touns for intimateing to all eable Seamen who voluntarly of ther own free consent given befor a Magistrat attesting the Same, are willing to Serve aboard her Majesties fleet that they repair to Leith betwixt and the first day of May nixt to come, and ther offerr themselves to the said Captain, or any he Shall appoynt, wpon payment to be made to each of the said Seamen of Fourtie Shilling Sterling of free bounty, and levie money befor ther goeing aboard of the said man of warr, and the said Captain his engageing that they Shall be received into her Majesties Service aboard her fleet, and Shall have the Same pay and intertainement with her English Seamen; And the Saids Lords of Councell ordaine all Magistrats and others within the burghs and Seatouns forsaids to give ther concurrance to the said Captain, And Such as Shall be imployed by him for Secureing the persons of the saids Seamen who Shall willingly ingage and receive payment in maner forsaids, wpon the Captains proper charges and expences; And the saids Lords doe heirby Strictly prohibite and discharge all disorders or abuses to be committed in makeing the said voluntar levie, But that all concerned keep themselves within the bounds and rules of law, Recommending to the Committie of Councell for prest men to hear and redress Summarly all Complaints that Shall be made to them in the said matter.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 461.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 461.