Letter: royal, 23 October 1706, Edinburgh

Procedure: committee formed, 28 December 1706, Edinburgh

Att Holyrudehouse the Twentie third day of October Jaj vijc and Six years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Queen adding Earl of de Loraine to the Councell

Letter from the Queen to the Councell adding the Earle of de Lorain to the Councell Read, and ordered to be recorded, And his lordship being present did qualifie himselfe to her Majestie as a privie Councellor by Swearing the oath of alleadgance, And Subscrybeing the Samen with the assureance, And the Lord Chancellor did administrat to him the oath de fidelii, and therafter his lordship took his place at the Board accordingly. Follows the tenor of her Majesties Letter.
Sic Supra Scribitur
Anne Regina.
Right trustie and right intirely beloved Cousine and Councellor, Right trustie and right well beloved Cousine and Councellor, Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousine and Councellor, Right trustie and well beloved Cousins and Councellors, Right trustie and well beloved Councellors, and trustie and well beloved Councellors, wee greet yow well; Wheras in consideration of the Loyaltie and abilities of our right trustie and well beloved Cousine Henry Earle of de Loraine, Wee have thought fitt to add him to our privie Councell ther; These are therfor to authorize and requyre yow to admitt and receive him into that our privie Councell in the ordinary forme and methode in Such cases accustomed For doeing wherof this Shall be your warrant, So wee bidd yow heartily farwell; Given att our Court at Windsor-Castle the threttie first day of July Jaj vijc and Six, And of our reigne the fyfth year, By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Mar.

Att Holyrudehouse the Twentie third day of October Jaj vijc and Six years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Queen adding Earl of de Loraine to the Councell

Letter from the Queen to the Councell adding the Earle of de Lorain to the Councell Read, and ordered to be recorded, And his lordship being present did qualifie himselfe to her Majestie as a privie Councellor by Swearing the oath of alleadgance, And Subscrybeing the Samen with the assureance, And the Lord Chancellor did administrat to him the oath de fidelii, and therafter his lordship took his place at the Board accordingly. Follows the tenor of her Majesties Letter.
Sic Supra Scribitur
Anne Regina.
Right trustie and right intirely beloved Cousine and Councellor, Right trustie and right well beloved Cousine and Councellor, Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousine and Councellor, Right trustie and well beloved Cousins and Councellors, Right trustie and well beloved Councellors, and trustie and well beloved Councellors, wee greet yow well; Wheras in consideration of the Loyaltie and abilities of our right trustie and well beloved Cousine Henry Earle of de Loraine, Wee have thought fitt to add him to our privie Councell ther; These are therfor to authorize and requyre yow to admitt and receive him into that our privie Councell in the ordinary forme and methode in Such cases accustomed For doeing wherof this Shall be your warrant, So wee bidd yow heartily farwell; Given att our Court at Windsor-Castle the threttie first day of July Jaj vijc and Six, And of our reigne the fyfth year, By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Mar.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 487.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 487.