Att Edinburgh the Sevinteinth day of Apryll Jaj vijc and Six years
Act Shutting up the meeting houses in Elgine
The Lords of her Majesties privie Councell Takeing to ther consideration a representation made to them by the Commission of the late Generall Assembly of the Church, And in name and by warrand of the said assembly, off severall Church irregularities and disorders, as particularly that the parish and town of Elgine hes been long Infested, And the Ministeriall function therin usurped and invaded by persons nottourly disaffected to the Government, and that the sealls of these persons, have been, upon Complaints, removed by Sentence of Councell yet the abuses is Still continued, and the meeting house keept up by others not qualified and no less disaffected, Therfor the saids Lords doe requyre and ordaine the Shirreff of the Shyre of Murray and his deputs, and Magistrats of the said burgh of Elgine to Suppress and Shutt up the meeting house in the said parish and Town of Elgine, And to take Such other effectuall courses to restraine and hinder the persons who presently keep the said meeting house,2 or any other to preach or exercise any pairt of the Ministeriall function within the said parish contrary to Law, As they will be answerable upon their perrill.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 466-7.
2. The word ‘and’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 466-7.
2. The word ‘and’ scored out here.