Att Edinburgh the Twentieth day of March Jaj vijc and six years. Councell Called extraordinary
Commission In favours of James Marques of Montrose To be president of privie Counsell
Commission under the Great Seall In favours of James Marques of Montrose, To be president of privie Councell, Being presented by Mr Alexander Maitland Clerk, The same was read and ordered to be Recorded, and thereafter delyvered by the Earle of Craufurd Lord president for the tyme, To the said Marques, who did receive the same upon his knee, as use is, And thereafter the said Marques did qualifie himselfe to her Majestie by Swearing the oath of alleadgance and subscrybeing the same with the assureance, and the said Earle of Craufurd as preses for the tyme did tender to his lordship the oath de fidelii, and therafter his lordship took his place at the Board accordingly, off which Commission the tenor follows.
Anna dei Gratia Magnae Brittaniae, Franciae et Hyberniae Regina, fideique defensor, Omnibus probis hominibus ad quos praesentes literae nostrae pervenerint, Salutem Quando quidem nobis abunde satisfactum sit de facultatibus, fidelitate, aliisque praeclaris animi dotibus fidelissimi et dilectissimi nostri consanguinei et Conciliarii Jacobi Marchionis de Montrose Quibus pro officio praesidis Secreti nostri Concilii antiqui regni nostri Scotiae fungendo, Usquequaque sit instructus, Noveritis igitur nos Nominasse, fecisse, constituisse et ordinasse, Sicuti nos tenore presentium, Nominamus, facimus, Constituimus et Ordinamus eundem Jacobum Marchionem de Montrose Praesidem Secreti nostri concilii praedicti Regni, durante nostro beneplacito solummodo, Cum plenaria potestate illi dicto officio et munere fruendi, gaudendi, utendi et exercendi, Cum universis honoribus, dignitatibus, privilegiis, immunitatibus et casualitatibus quibuscunque eo spectantibus; Atque itidem praefatum Jacobum Marchionem de Montrose tanquam Praesedem nostri Concilii antedicti, locum et Praecedentiam proximam Theasaurario nostro Soli et Principali dicti Regni, et imediate post Locum illum Praecedentiae quam Thesaurarius Principalis pro tempore perprius retinebat, seu retinere debuit, omnibus locis et temporibus durante Spatio antedicto , habere ordinamus , In cujus rei testimonium Praesentibus magnum Sigillum nostrum appendi mandavimus Apud Aulam nostram de Kensingtoun Vigesimo octavo die mensis February Anno domini Millesimo Septingentesimo Sexto, et anno regni nostri quarto Per Signaturam manu S. D. N. Reginae Suprascriptam, Wrytten to the great Seall and registrat the nynteinth day of March IM Viic and six Sic Sub[scrib]itur Charles Kerr Sealled at Edinburgh the nynteinth day of March one thousand Sevine hundreth and six years In absence of Sir Alexander Ogilvie of Forglen Sic Subscribitur John Steuart deput.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 456-7.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 456-7.