Att Edinburgh the Sixth day of June Jaj vijc and Six years
Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to raise a proces against Mr James Hunter for Intrusion at St Ninians
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Councell By John Blair Agent for the Church, Shewing That wher ther lordships by ther act of the date the sevinth day of July Jaj vic nyntie eight years, bearing that Sir James Steuart her Majesties Advocat had represented to their lordships that Mr James Hunter late Minister at Stirling, who was depryved by ther lordships Act of the date the nynth day of June Jaj vic nyntie Six, and who keept a meeting house within the parliament of St Ninians, Being by ther lordships putt from that meeting house, albeit Since the Councells Sentence he had desisted to preach at the said meeting house, yet he imployed other persons not qualified, and disaffected to the Government to preach at the Same The Saids Lords did ordaine the Said meeting house to be closed and Shutt up, And recommended to Livetennant Coll John Erskine then deputy Governour of the Castell of Stirling, to See the Same accordingly done, And to take care that the Samen be not made open again, nor made use for preaching or exerceing any pairt of the Ministeriall function therat in tyme comeing otherwayes then by order of law, Notwithstanding wherof, and of the said Mr James Hunter his being depryved by the saids Lords, and not qualified according to law, He Still continues to preach in the said parish, tho (to elide the saids Lords Sentence) in a Gentlemans house, And the Commission of the late Generall assembly considering that the said act had hitherto taken no effect, and how necessary it is for the Safety and quyet of the Government, that the Samen be made effectuall, They had appoynter the petitioner to apply to the saids Lords for renewing the said act, Especiallie considering the Saids Lords late proclamation against Intruders wnder which, its conceaved, the said Mr James Hunter does natively fall, And therfor Craveing it might please the saids Lords to take the premises to their Serious consideration for renewing the said act, And to ordaine the said meeting house within the said parish of St Ninians to be closed and Shutt up, and to recommend to whom ther lordships thought fitt that the said meeting house may be Shutt up, And to take care that the Samen, nor any other in the said parish contrair to law and prejudiciall to the Government might be allowed, as the said petition bears. The Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell haveing considered this petition given in to them by John Blair Agent for the Kirk, And the Samen being read in their presence, The Saids Lords Doe heirby Recommend to Sir James Steuart her Majesties Advocat to insist against Mr James Hunter by a lybell befor their lordships for his Intrusion into the parish of St Ninians, as he Shall think fitt.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 470-1.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 470-1.