Att Edinburgh the Eight day of June Jaj vijc and Six years
Proclamation for A Nationall Thanksgiveing
Proclamation for a Solemne Nationall thanksgiveing to be observed the nynth of July nixt to come, Read, voted, approven, Signed, and ordered to be recorded, printed and published, the tenor wherof is as follows.
Anne by the Grace of God, Queen of Great Brittaine; France and Irland defender of the faith, To […] meacers of our privie Councell, Messengers att armes our Shirreffs in that pairt Conjunctllie and Severallie Speciallie constitut, Greeting, Forasmuchas it hath pleased the Almightie God to bless and prosper the armes of ws and our allyes with Such great and wnparaleilled victories and Successes against the enemies of the true protestant Religion, and of the liberties of Christendome both in the Neatherlands, and in Catalonia and else which as are truly wonderfull in the eyes of God, and that it is our duty to returne due thanks and praise into his name, as also to implore the continuance of the divyne aid and assistance, with our armies and forces as well by Sea as land for carrieing on this warr to a happie conclusion of a firme and lasting peace, And that notwithstanding the great and manifold Sins and provocations, which to our deep and sade regrait, doe So much abound among ws, And that for those reasons the presbetrie of Edinburgh In behalfe of the Church and Ministers therof; have applyed to the Lords of our Privie Councell, That a day of Soelmn thanksgiveing and prayer may be appoynted In maner aftermentioned; Therfore wee have thought fitt, with advyce of the Lords of our privie Councell to appoynt, Lykeas wee heirby Appoynt and Ordaine a day of Solemn thanksgiveing and prayer to our great and Gracious God to be observed throughout this wholl kingdome upon the Second Twesday being the nynth of July nixt to come; Which day wee heirby peremptorlie injoyne to be keeped with all Religious exercises Suteable to Such ane occasion, And by all Ministers and others therin concerned, as they will be answerable under their highest perrill, Our Will is Heirfore and wee charge yow that in continent thir our Letters Seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh, And to the mercat Crosses of the remanent head burghs of the Severall Shyres within this kingdome, And there in our name and authority make publication heirof that non pretend ignorance, And ordains our Solicitors to cause send printed coppies heirof to the Shirreffs of the Severall Shyres, and ther Clerks, whom wee ordaine to See the Samen published, And appoynts them to Send doubles therof to the Ministers within there bounds that upon the Lords day imediatly preceeding the said day above mentioned, the Same may be published and read, And ordains these presents to be printed, Given under our Signet att Edinburgh the eight day of June, And of our reigne the fyfth year Jaj vijc and Six. Sic Subscribitur Buchan James Murray. Robert Dundas. William Anstruther. A Hope. John Maxwell. Robert Steuart. Gilbert Eliot. John Cockburne.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 472.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 472.