Att Edinburgh the thretteinth day of June Jaj vijc and Six years
Recommendation to the Privy Councell to Send a partie of forces to ly att Hawick for Suppressing Vagabounds in that Countrie
The Lords of her Majesties privie Councell haveing heard and considered the Letter wrott by the Shirreff of Teviotdale to her Majesties Advocat anent certaine disorders in that Country Committed by Vagabounds and Sorners, Craveing the direction and assistance of the Government for Suppressing the Same, The Saids Lords heirby Recommends to the Marques of Montrose Lord President of Privie Councell to Speak with the Commander in Chieff of her Majesties forces to Send a detatchment of the forces, Under the Command of a Livetennant to Ly att Hawick, And to be ready to assist the Shirreff when by him requyred for Seasing and Suppressing the said Vagabounds, as occasion Shall offerr.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 473.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 473.