Att Edinburgh the Threttie first day of January Jaj vijc and Six years
Formula Taken and Signed by Patrick Butter of Gormack
The Lords of her Majesties privie Councell haveing considered the within Formula taken by Patrick Butter of Gormack purgeing himselfe of popery In presence of the Earle of Glasgow and Mr Francis Montgomrie two of ther lordships number, and the samen with the attestation on the end therof being read in ther presence, The Saids Lords doe heirby appoynt the Samen to be recorded. wherof the tenor follows.
I Patrick Butter of Gormack doe Sincearly from my heart profess and declaire befor God, who Searcheth the heart, that I doe deny, disowne and abhore these tenets and doctrines of the papall Romish Church viz The Supremacie of the pope and Bishop of Rome over all pastures of the Catholick Church, His power and authoritie over Kings and Princes and States, and the Infallability he pretends to, either without or with a generall Councell, his power of dispensing and pardoning, The doctrine of Transsubstantiation and the Corporall presence with the Communion without the Cup in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, The adoration and Sacrifice professed and practised by the popish Church in the Mass, The Inovcation of Angells and Saints, The worship of Imagines Crosses and Relicts, The doctrine of Supererogation, Indulgences and purgatorie And the service and worshipe in ane wnknowen tongue; all which tenets and doctrines of the said Church I believe to be contrary to and inconsistant with the wrytten word of God, And I doe from my heart deny, disowne and disclame the saids doctrines and Tenets of the Church of Rome as in the presence of God without any equivocation or mentall reservation, But according to the knowen and plain meaning of the words as to me offerred and proposed, So help me God Sic Subscribitur Patrick Butter.
Att Edinburgh the Twentie Sixth of January Jaj vijc and Six years, The Which day Patrick Butter of Gormack haveing Compeared2 In presence of the Earle of Glasgow Lord Theasaurer Deput, and Mr Francis Montgomrie two of the Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell, did take and Signe the formula as above, appoynted by act of parliament purgeing himselfe of popery as is attested by Sic Subscribitur Glasgow Fr Montgomrie.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 436.
2. The word ‘before’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 436.
2. The word ‘before’ scored out here.