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Editorial Introduction
Historical Introduction
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Letter: from the Council, 30 November 1706, Edinburgh
3 January 1706
Procedure: [Buchan elected Preses]
Act: Act In favours of Sir David Cuningham of Millcraig Advocat
Act: Passport to Julian Godet and other 7 French prisoners
31 January 1706
Procedure: [Montrose elected Preses]
Procedure: Formula Taken and Signed by Patrick Butter of Gormack
Warrant: Warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh for observeing the Queens birth day
Warrant: Warrand to the Governor of the Castell of Edinburgh to fyre the great Guns on the Queens birth day
12 February 1706
Procedure: [Montrose elected Preses]
Decreet: Decreet of Certification Mr John Webster etc against Mr Gideon Guthrie and others
Commission: Commission Nameing Justices of Peace within the Shyre of Aberdeen
15 February 1706
Procedure: [Glasgow elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen for adjurneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjurneing the parliament to the nynth day of May nixt
Warrant: Warrand for prepareing a Commission for trying housebreakers
21 February 1706
Procedure: Refused petition for Mr John Mathers
Procedure: committee report: Report of the Committie anent Church irregularities and greivances
Commission by the Council: Commission for Judgeing and trying house breakers etc
Decreet: Decreit of Certification her Majesties Advocat Against Mr Alexander Barcklay and others
7 March 1706
Procedure: [Sutherland elected Preses]
Procedure: Exoneration In favours of Sir Gilbert Elliot of Minto as Clerk of Councell
Procedure: Exoneration In favours of Andrew Wauch as wnder Clerk of Councell
Order: Sailling orders for Captain Thomas Gordon
Order: Sailling orders and Instructions for Captain Matthew Campbell
Order: Sailling orders and Instructions for Captain James Hamillton
Warrant: Warrand to Send a partie of the forces aboard the Royall Mary
12 March 1706
Procedure: [Crawford elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen for levieing Seamen
Act: Act Confyneing John Abercrombie a preist
Commission by the Council: Commission To David Preshow to be Livetennant of the Royal William
Commission by the Council: Commission to William Hay to be Livetennant of the Royall Mary
Act: Act Appoynting George Milne Master of the Royall William
Act: Act Appoynting Patrick Hay to be master of the Royall Mary
Act: Act Appoynting the officers of the Scots frigots to take the oaths
Act: Act In favours of Mr John Webster for possession of the Kirks manse and Gleib of Fetternesso
Procedure: committee formed: Committie for publict ordinances
Act: Act disposeing with the Circuits for the year 1706
Warrant: Warrand for putting a partie of Souldiers aboard the Royall William
Warrant: Warrand for putting a partie of Souldiers aboard the2 Dumbarton Castle
20 March 1706
Procedure: [Crawford elected Preses]
Procedure: Commission In favours of James Marques of Montrose To be president of privie Counsell
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen adding Severall persons to the Councell
Procedure: Commission To David Earle of Weemes to be Lord high Admirall of Scotland
Procedure: Commission for Treating anent ane Union betwixt Scotland and England
Act: Act and proclamation anent Intruders into Churches
Warrant: Warrand for liberating the Ostend prisoners
Act: Act for a voluntar Levie of Seamen
Procedure: Captain Hamillton etc qualified to her Majestie
Decreet: Decreet of Certification The Agent for the Kirk Against Mr John Mcmillan and others
Procedure: Additionall Committie anent publict occurances
21 March 1706
Procedure: Commission In favours of The Earle of Levine To be Commander in Chieff of the forces in Scotland
Procedure: [Levine swears oath of allegience]
Procedure: [Oath of allegience sworn]
3 April 1706
Procedure: [Sutherland elected Preses]
Procedure: Commission In favors of David Earle of Glasgow To be Commissioner to the Generall Assembly
Act: Act and Commutation of William Bizzets Sentence
Act: Repryve In favours of Elizabeth Hunter
17 April 1706
Procedure: [Glasgow elected Preses]
Procedure: Sir Robert Sinclar qualified
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen for levieing a Redgment of foot Lord Mark Kerr Collonell
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Mark Kerr to beat Drums for levieing a redgment of foot
Act: Act Shutting up the meeting houses in Elgine
Act: Act Shutting up the meeting house at Keith
Act: Act Continueing Mistris Jean Wallace Sequestration
Proclamation: Proclamation for a Nationall fast
7 May 1706
Procedure: [Crawford elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen for adjurneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjurneing the parliament to the 20th of June nixt
Warrant: Pass In favours of Sir John Law
Procedure: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to prepare ane act against wndue pressing of men
4 June 1706
Procedure: [Buchan elected Preses]
Procedure: [Rankeillor and Tillicultrie take the oath of allegience]
Commission by the Council: Commission Nameing Justices of peace within the Shyre of Bamff
Order: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat to wryt for Convoys to Scots Ships in the Balltick
6 June 1706
Procedure: [Buchan elected Preses]
Procedure: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to raise a proces against Mr James Hunter for Intrusion at St Ninians
Procedure: [Draft proclamation]
Letter: from the Council: Letter from the Councell To the Secretary of State for Convoys to Scots Ships in the Balltick
8 June 1706
Procedure: [Buchan elected preses]
Proclamation: Proclamation for A Nationall Thanksgiveing
11 June 1706
Decreet: Decreit of Certification John Blair Agent for the Kirk against Mr Alexander Muir, and Mr Alexander Craig Intruders at Frasersburgh
13 June 1706
Order: Recommendation to the Privy Councell to Send a partie of forces to ly att Hawick for Suppressing Vagabounds in that Countrie
14 June 1706
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen for adjurneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjurneing the parliament to the 25 July nixt
18 June 1706
Act: Commutement of Elizabeth Hunters Sentence of death to Banishment
Warrant: Warrand and Instructions to the pairtie of the force sent to Hawick
20 June 1706
Procedure: [Recommendation anent transporting vagabonds]
27 June 1706
Commission by the Council: Commission Nameing Justices of Peace within the Shyre of Fyfe
4 July 1706
Warrant: Warrand to Sir Robert Forbes to wryt to Elshinore
11 July 1706
Act: Act In favours of Captain Thomas Gordon
Order: Order for transporting Margaret Brown and others to the Correction house of Edinburgh
Order: Order for transporting Jannet Steuart to the Correction house of Edinburgh
Procedure: Remitt to the Judges of Admirality to try and Judge a French privateer, and ane Irish Shipe retaken
16 July 1706
Procedure: [Douglas of Cavers oath]
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councell for adjurneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation adjurneing the parliament
Order: [Forces to Greenock]
Judicial Proceeding: Approbation of the Sentence of death pronounced by the Comissioners appoynted for trying George and Lauchlane Rattrayes for the crymes of witchcraft Sorcery and Charmeing
23 July 1706
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Counsell adding Sir Alexander Campbell of Cessnock to the Councell
Act: Commutement of Bessie Muckiesons Sentence of Death to banishment
30 July 1706
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councell for Reduceing the forces
Warrant: Warrand to the Commander in Chieff of the forces for reduceing the Same for the Garison of Blackness
6 August 1706
Act: Repryve to Nicolas Lamb
Act: Act allowing the Captain and Livetennants of a French privateer to returne to ther own Countrey
15 August 1706
Warrant: Warrand for Liberating the Crew of a French privateer at Liberty
Act: Act for liberating John Pratt out of the Tollbooth of Edinburgh
20 August 1706
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen for adjurneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjurneing the parliament to the 19th day of September nixt
6 September 1706
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen for adjurneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjurneing the parliament
Act: Repryve to George and Lauchlane Rattrayes
Warrant: Permitt to the French officers to goe home to their own Countrie
2 October 1706
Procedure: [Commission in favours of James Duke of Queensberry]
23 October 1706
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen adding Earl of de Loraine to the Councell
Procedure: Lairds of Innes and Grant qualified
Act: Repryve to George and Lauchlane Rattrayes
24 October 1706
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen adding the Earle of Dallhousie to the Councell
Procedure: Earl of Marchmount, Viscount of Garnock, and Lord Provest of Edinburgh qualified as Privie Councellors
Proclamation: Proclamation Against Tumults and Rables
Order: Order to the Magistrats of Edinburgh to provyde Guard houses for the forces called in
Procedure: Recommendation to the Lord Chancellor to lay the Councells resolutions anent the Rable befor the parliament
7 November 1706
Order: Order to the Collector at Port Patrick to delyver up the Earl of Abercornes bond
11 November 1706
Act: Repryve In favours of Nicolas Lamb
16 November 1706
Act: Lord Forglen qualified as a privie Councellor
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen adding Lord Forglen to the Councell
29 November 1706
Procedure: Recommendation to the Lord Chancellor to lay befoir the parliament the tumult at Drumfreise
30 November 1706
Letter: from the Council: Letter from the Councell To the Magistrats of Glasgow
Letter: from the Council: Letter from the Councell to the Magistrats of Drumfreise
9 December 1706
Procedure: : Approbation of the Lord Chancellors report and Reprimand to the Magistrats of Glasgow
Procedure: : Recommendation to the Lord Chancellor to Call for the Masters of the Colledge of Glasgow
24 December 1706
Warrant: : Warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh to Secure the horses and arms of papists and Suspect persons
28 December 1706
Warrant: : Warrant to the Magistrats of Edinburgh, Stirling Queensferrie and Leith anent papists and Suspect persons
Procedure: committee formed: : Committie anent proclamation of parliament, and secureing the peace of the Kingdom