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Sederunt, 31 January 1695, Edinburgh
Sederunt, 31 January 1695, Edinburgh
1 January 1695
Warrant: Warrand to continue Innes of Towie at Liberty
2 January 1695
Procedure: Address by the Councill To his Majestie
Proclamation: Proclamatione for the exercise of the Government in his Majesties name only
Procedure: The Lords of Sessions behaviour upon the news of the Queens death
Act: Act Continowing the sealls aprincipall
Act: Act Discharging the stamps in the mint
Proclamation: Proclamatione for a nationall humiliatione
Order: The Church and pulpits ordered to be put in Mourning
3 January 1695
Act: Act Westsheill Master of his Majesties mint for Copper blanks
Procedure: New Dyet to the Commissione for Shools and Colledges
10 January 1695
Act: Act and Recomendatione Sir Æneas Mcphersone
Procedure: Approbatione Alexander Kellies Imprisonment
Procedure: Querie anent Irish salt beeff
Procedure: Querie anent Hearthmoney
Act: Act upon Collonell Fergusons petitione for levieing recruits
15 January 1695
Letter: from the Council: Letter from the Councill to the Secretary anent Desertors frae Flander serving in Scotland
Order: Anent Alexander Kelly
Procedure: Lord Justice Clerk goes to Court
Procedure: Sir John Maxuell goes to Court
17 January 1695
Procedure: Anent the accompts resting by the Forces to the Countrey
Letter: to the Council: Letter frae the Secretary of State anent the Councills letter of Condolence to the King
Act: Act anent subcollectors of Hearth money
Warrant: Warrand for burriang the Lady Hiltouns sone in the Abbay Church
Procedure: [Lord Chancellor delivered letter to king]
Act: Change of sentance Margaret Watt
22 January 1695
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill approving the nominating the Earle of Annandale to be their president
Procedure: Comittie for visiting the Prisoners
Warrant: Warrand Lady Strowan to wryte to France to her sone
Procedure: [Lord Melfort's oath in France]
Proclamation: Proclamatione anent the accompts
Proclamation: Proclamatione Dischargeing salt beeff from Ireland
Letter: from the Council: Letter to the particular Councillours
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councill to the King anent the Laird of Mcintoches losses
24 January 1695
Order: Recomendatione Lord Advocat anent the Earl of Seaforth
Procedure: Recomendatione Lord Advocat anent two preists
29 January 1695
Letter: royal: Letter from the King appoynting Sir George Campbell of Cessnock to be added to the privy Council
Letter: to the Council: Letter the secretary of state to the Councill anent Desertors
Warrant: Warrant to delyver James Marshell to Leutt Hamilton
Act: Act Earle of Aboyn anent Mr Fordyce
Commission by the Council: Commissione for trying and Judgeing William Petrie
Warrant: Warrand for wryting to the Lady Strowan's sone In France
31 January 1695
Act: Act Collonell Fergusone anent Recruits
5 February 1695
Act: Repryve Andersone and Lausone
Procedure: [Committee anent Soldiers and Deserters]
7 February 1695
Procedure: committee formed: Rabble among the Guards at Edinburgh
Procedure: Earl of Strathmore his Excuse
Order: Recommendatione Grahamhall To the Thesaurie
Act: Act Gladstanes of that ilk
Order: James Carrind committed Prisoner
12 February 1695
Warrant: Warrand Mr Fordyce to goe to Glams
Act: Liberatione Carrin
Act: Liberatione Duncan Kennedy
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamatione adjourneing the parliament
Letter: royal: Letter from the King anent Recruits
14 February 1695
Order: Ordor anent the Shipping and Draughts of Recruits of Souldiers
Act: Liberatione Peter Baird
Act: Act James Forbes
Act: Liberatione James Carrin
19 February 1695
Order: Recomendatione Stueart of Balaquane
21 February 1695
Procedure: Comittie anent a popish meeting
Act: Act Mr Jon Wilsone
26 February 1695
Proclamation: Proclamatione indemnifieing Desertors
Act: Act and ordinance anent Lord Drummond and Servants
Procedure: Remitt to the Comittie anent the popish meeting
Warrant: Warrand to delyver Scarlet to Captaine Scott
Procedure: Anent the Shirriff of Dumbartone
28 February 1695
Act: Continuatione of Duke Gordons liberty
Decreet: Interloquitor anent bale for Lord Drummonds servants
Act: Act anent persons taken at a popish meeting
Order: Recomendatione To the Lord Advocat to wryte to the Secretaries of State anent vaccant affairs
Order: Recomendatione Craufurd of Drumsuie to the Thesaurie
Commission by the Council: Comissione anent three Countreymen in Dumbartane Castle
Act: Act Andrew Johnstoune and Ensigne Cockburne
6 March 1695
Act: Act changeing the sentence of death against Andersone and Lawsone to Banishment
Order: Ordor recalling former act anent Scarlote
Act: Liberatione Dewar and Insch
Act: Act Changeing sentance of death against Carmichaell to Banishment
Letter: royal: Kings letter anent Duke Gordone
Act: Act The Duke of Gordone
Procedure: Ane Essay of the fyneness of the Coyn
Procedure: Remitt to parliament anent the tryall of Essays of Fyness of Coyne
7 March 1695
Warrant: Warrand Captaine Lindsay to goe aboard the Recruit ships
Warrant: Warrand to give Lieutt Cormock to Major Bruce
Warrant: Warrand for pass to Lord Glasfoords sone
Act: Act delaying the payment of accounts untill the Creditors depone they are not transacted
7 March 1695 (pm)
Letter: royal: Letter from the King repryveing Vallance of Poschills
Act: Act upon the Letter
Warrant: Warrand Mr Fordyce to goe to the North
Proclamation: Proclamatione Dischargeing King Jam's Copper Coyne in Ireland
12 March 1695
Proclamation: Proclamation Dischargeing Irish Victuall
Act: Liberatione Mr David Fairfoull
Commission by the Council: Commissione to Drumsiue anent Irish victuall
Warrant: Warrand Robert Malloch to wryte to France
Acts: [Act discharging circuit courts 1695]
14 March 1695
Procedure: [Committee to consider letters to France]
Order: Recomendatione to the Lord Advocat to wryte to the Secretaries anent Prisoners in France
Order: Recomendatione Alexander Stueart to the Thesaurie
Order: Girvanmayns committed Prisoner
19 March 1695
Letter: royal: Letter for adjourneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamatione Adjourning the parliament
Letter: royal: Master of Stairs letter anent adjournment of the Parliament
Act: Act Scott of Hedderwick
Act: Protectione Raitt of Halgreen
Procedure: Approbatione of act Comittie anent money
22 March 1695
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councill to the King anent cryeing up Scots money
Procedure: Remitt to the Lord Advocat anent Lady Lauderdals letter to France
Order: Recomendatione to Lord Advocat anent two boats with victuall from Ireland
27 March 1695
Warrant: Warrand Lord Register to subscryve a lybell before the parliament against persones in France
Warrant: Warrand for suspensions and Relaxationes to persones processed for being in France
28 March 1695
Letter: royal: Letter frae the King to adjourne the generall assemblie
Proclamation: Proclamatione Adjourning the generall assemblie
Warrant: Lauderdales freinds allowed to wryte to him
Letter: royal: Kings Letter anent the Earle of Home
Procedure: [Concerning rebels in France]
3 April 1695
Act: Act ordering Doctor Burnet and ane Chirurgeon to visite the Earl of Home
Order: [Lord Advocat and prisoner Scarlot]
9 April 1695
Order: Recomendatione to the Lord Advocat to wryte to the Shiriff anent Preists
Act: Liberatione Master David Fairfoule
Act: Act M