At Edinburgh thursday 3d January 1695
Act Westsheill Master of his Majesties mint for Copper blanks
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill by Sir William Denholme of Westsheills master of his majesties mint Shewing Whereas the said Lords by ordor of the second of January Current did stop the Coyneing of any money silver or Copper untill farder ordor and therr being bullion at this tyme in the mint lyeing in Chisell and considerable more quantities offered to be given in by the merchants so that if the mint be stopt for any tyme it will prove heavy for the owners of the Bullione and very discourageing to the importers as also prejudiciall to the interest of the natione with their be remedie provyded by the said Lords and sicklyke the said petitioner being limited to a tyme for the Coyneing of a certaine quantity of Copper which if it be not coyned within the year will be altogether lost except the said Lords give allowance for to prepare the Copper in blanks ay and whille stamps be provyded And therfore humblie Craveing That the said Lords might take the premisses to their serious Consideratione and grant warrand to James Clark Ingraver, for prepareing of new stamps at the sight of the Generall of the mint to be approven by the said Lords viz the principall head pentions for the sexty pence peice one for the fourtie shilling peice one for the tuentie shilling peice one for the ten shilling peice and for the fyve shilling peice one and to appoynt what shall be in place of the Ceiffer upon the fyve shilling peice and two pennie peice and to make ane head pentione for the sex pennie peice and in the mean tyme to allow the prepareing the Copper in blank ay and whille the stamps be prepared as at lenth is contained in the said petitione The Lords of his majesties privie Councille haveing Considered the foresaid petitione given in to them by the said Sir William Denholme of Westsheills master of his majesties mint The Hereby allow the said petitioner To prepare the Copper in Blanks till stamps be provyded and refuseth the desyre of the rest of the petitione till farder ordor But in the meantyme recomends to the Earle of Annandale preses of Councill for the tyme To acquaint the Secretarie of State That there is ane Engraver in the mint House who can prepare stamps
1. NRS, PC1/50, 91-2.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 91-2.