Act, 21 February 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Edinburgh Thursday 21 February 1695



Act Gordon of Braikley

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be John Gordon of Braikley Shewing That quher the petitioner have sufered great Loss upon the accompt of his Zeall for the present government be the highland armie who not only burnt his house and lands but Caried away all the plenishing of the petitioners wholl intrest which incapacitate him for some time from paying his Just debts, (albeit his fortune is thrie times greater then any burden that affects the samen) which occasioned most of his Creditors to doe Dilligences against his estate and persone and now the petitioner is in the Tolbooth of Montross almost in a Sterving Conditione Occasioned by reasone that his Creditors have areisted the rents and duties payable be his tenants so that the tenents refuse to give the petitioner one six pence to intertaine him although all his Creditors are willing some thing should be allowed the petitioner for that end, But would have it modified be the saids Lords least ther voluntar Concensiones should prejudice their rights, and the petitioners case being much to be pitied as a man given to Malancholly who was at present unfitt to goe about his oun affairs both by reasone of his indisposition of mind and Confynment of body, seing that the petitioners estate is notwithstanding of his Lordships much more then able to satisfie his debts It were ane act of Great Justice to allow the petitioner to be entertained out of his fortune and to evidence his willingness to satisfie his debts ther are severall writtes and goods Lying in the petitioners house at Braikley which will Contribute much for his Creditors payment The petitioner is Content they be taken and preserved for those who have right therto And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased to allow the petitioner at least twelue pence a day for his intertainement so long as he stayes in prisone to be payed by those who intromitt with his estate Especially seing non of his Creditors doe oppose and ther is subject eneough to satisifie ther debts and likewayes to Grant warrand to the shireff or Comissar of Aberdein or his deputs to make open the2 doors and Locks of the said house and to Inventar and take in Custody his goods and wrytes who will be Comptable for them to any haveing intrest as the petitione bears. The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petitione given in to them be the above John Gordon of Brackly, They heirby allow the petitioner ane aliement of twelue shilling scots per diem Comensing from the date heirof for his intertainment so long as he Continues in prison And Decerns and Ordaines Alexander Ker of Meny who intromitts with the petitioners estate to make payment of the same, And Ordaines letters of horning on six dayes and others needfull to be direct heiron in forme as effeirs.

Edinburgh Thursday 21 February 1695



Act Gordon of Braikley

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be John Gordon of Braikley Shewing That quher the petitioner have sufered great Loss upon the accompt of his Zeall for the present government be the highland armie who not only burnt his house and lands but Caried away all the plenishing of the petitioners wholl intrest which incapacitate him for some time from paying his Just debts, (albeit his fortune is thrie times greater then any burden that affects the samen) which occasioned most of his Creditors to doe Dilligences against his estate and persone and now the petitioner is in the Tolbooth of Montross almost in a Sterving Conditione Occasioned by reasone that his Creditors have areisted the rents and duties payable be his tenants so that the tenents refuse to give the petitioner one six pence to intertaine him although all his Creditors are willing some thing should be allowed the petitioner for that end, But would have it modified be the saids Lords least ther voluntar Concensiones should prejudice their rights, and the petitioners case being much to be pitied as a man given to Malancholly who was at present unfitt to goe about his oun affairs both by reasone of his indisposition of mind and Confynment of body, seing that the petitioners estate is notwithstanding of his Lordships much more then able to satisfie his debts It were ane act of Great Justice to allow the petitioner to be entertained out of his fortune and to evidence his willingness to satisfie his debts ther are severall writtes and goods Lying in the petitioners house at Braikley which will Contribute much for his Creditors payment The petitioner is Content they be taken and preserved for those who have right therto And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased to allow the petitioner at least twelue pence a day for his intertainement so long as he stayes in prisone to be payed by those who intromitt with his estate Especially seing non of his Creditors doe oppose and ther is subject eneough to satisifie ther debts and likewayes to Grant warrand to the shireff or Comissar of Aberdein or his deputs to make open the2 doors and Locks of the said house and to Inventar and take in Custody his goods and wrytes who will be Comptable for them to any haveing intrest as the petitione bears. The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petitione given in to them be the above John Gordon of Brackly, They heirby allow the petitioner ane aliement of twelue shilling scots per diem Comensing from the date heirof for his intertainment so long as he Continues in prison And Decerns and Ordaines Alexander Ker of Meny who intromitts with the petitioners estate to make payment of the same, And Ordaines letters of horning on six dayes and others needfull to be direct heiron in forme as effeirs.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 184r-185r.

2. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 184r-185r.

2. Insertion.