Att Edinburgh the twelve day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs
Recomendatione Mr James Southerland To the Thesaurie
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Mr James Southerland maister of the phisick gardine Shewing That in febrwary last The petitioner had gott that north yeard of the Abbay belonging to the Kings palace wher the great Dyall stands and which is neer to the Tinnis Court at which tyme he made applicatione to The Lords of Thesaurie then in towne who promised him all Suteable incouradgement for bringing of it in Levelling and putting the grownd in good order Wherupon he hath ever Since made it his cheese bussienes to cary on that work And hes Spared no necessarie expenss to bring it als great a length as was possible in So Short a tyme haveing had ther this sumer a good cropt of melons and raised many wther curiows annwalls fyne flowers and other plants not ordinary in this Countrie he will also wndertake in a few yeirs to have things in als good order ther as they are about Londone if he be allowed a competence to defray the charges and make such reparationes as shall be fownd needfull particularly reed Hedges to Divyde Shelter and Lay the ground Lown and warm and a green house and a Store to preserve orranges Lemons myrtles with other tender greens and fyne exotick and forraigne plants in winter And seeing the petitioner hes alreadie expended of his own money upwards of Ane Thousand punds Scotts besydes four Hundereth merks yet Due to him of the Fiftie pund Sterleing Drawen by the Lords of Thesaurie out of the vacant Stipends of the paroches of Tarbat and Fearn in Ross upwards of Fiftein moneths ago which the collector aspects is otherwayes applyed And of which the petitioner can recover no payment And therfore craveing that the saids Lords of privie Counsell might recommend the petitioner to the Lords of Thesaurie for reimburseing him of what soumes hee hes alreadie wared out And for what uther incouradgement they shall think fitt for carying on the said work so begun without which the work must cease And the petitioner suffer in reputatione and interest what he is Doeing being more for the honour of the natione the ornament and use of his majesties palace then his own privat behoove As the said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Cownsell They heirby recommend to The Lords Commissioners of his majesties Thesaurie to consider and grant the desyre of the said petitione
1. NRS, PC2/26, 60v-61r.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 60v-61r.