Act, 3 January 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Thrid day of January Jaj vjc nyntie five years



Act anent the additionall accompts due to the Toun of Glasgow

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Having Considered ane principall report made to them by a Committie of ther oun number appointed for revising the accompts resting by his Majesties forces to the Countrey Wherof the tenor followes; The Committie haveing Considered the accompts given in to them as resting be the officers and souldiers of their majesties forces to the inhabitants of the toune of Glasgow with the instructiones and verificationes therof They find the haill articles of the said acompt Except the nynth and threteinth articles stated upon the Earle of Argylls regiment which not being in the termes of the proclamation of Councill of the date the thretie first day of Jully Last Jaj vjc nyntie four years They have Cause delite out the accompt)2 suficiently verified and proven be the oathes and depositiones of the saids inhabitants taken before two of the Commissioners of Supply within the Shyre of Lanerk Conforme to the report of the saids Commissioners produced to and Considered by the said Comittie, And Finds that besides the two saids articles quhich are not in the termes of the above proclamatione of Councill ther is yet resting by ther majesties forces upon the scots establishment to the saids inhabitants of Glasgow the Soumes following viz by the Earle of argyle his regiment of foot the soume of thrie hundleth thrie score nyne punds ten shilling six penies scots Item by the viscount of Kenmure his regiment of foot the soume of six hundreth Thrie score fiftein punds four shilling six penies Scots Item by the Lord Blantyre his regiment of foot ane hundreth and thretie one punds nyne shilling scots Item by the Lord Bargeny his regiment thrie punds fiftein shilling four penies scots Item by the Earle of Glencairne his regiment fourscore one punds fourtein shilling ten penies scots Item by the Earle of Eglingtone his troop of horss twentie two pund scots money Item by Coll Cuninghame his regiment of foot Twentie pund two shilling scots And the Committie have rejected and Caused delite the article of seventie six punds twelue shilling scots in this accompt stated as resting be the Laird of Grubits troop In Respect the same is for Silver Buttons and the Charge of a pair of Buckles and so not in the termes of the said proclamatione of Councill of the date the said thretie first day of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four years Extending the haill soumes forsaids due be the scots forces abovementioned to the saids inhabitants of Glasgow to the soume of ane thousand thrie hundreth and thrie punds sixtein shilling ten penies scots money And the Committie finds that the haill articles of the said accompt quherof the said soume is made up being besides the articles which are rejected and delite)3 were furnished preceeding the first of February Jaj vjc nyntie one And that they are all in the termes of the act fourth session of this Current parliament entituled act for polemoney and of the proclamatione of Councill relative dated the last of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four years And Therfore It is ther opinion That the said Soume of one Thousand thrie hundreth and thrie punds sixtein shilling ten penies scots is to be allowed to the saids inhabitants of Glassgow out of the said polemoney and that the saids inhabitants are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners of their majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly And the Committie Finds that besides the articles above sett doune ther is stated in the said accompt as resting be the persones aftermentioned in the Lord Angus regiment Viz Be Captain James Caldwall fiftie merks scots to Doctor Thomas Kennedy Item be him to John Boyd Chirugeon thrie hundred merks money forsaid for attendance and medicaments and be Serjant Millar to the said John Boyd twentie four punds money Which the Comittie Finds suficiently verified and proven in the same maner with the rest of the articles of the above accompts and Finds that the same is preceiding the said first of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years And the Committie being Informed be John Andersone of Dowhill who was provest of Glasgow when thir two debts were Contracted that the same were for cureing the said Captaine Caldweell and Serjant Miller of wounds which they received when they hade been at Dunkell and that the Captaine Laboured under his wounds for many moneths It is the Commities oppinion that the soumes ought to be payed to the said Doctor and Chirurgeon out of the said pole money In so farr allenarly as the arrears due to the Captain and Serjant in particular will extend to without burthening the arreirs resting to the wholl regiement in generall with the same, and that the said Doctor and Chirurgeon are to be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of their Majesties thessaury for payment in these termes, and the Committie Finds that besides the haill articles of the above accompts ther is resting be the officers of the Severall regiments afternamed to the Magistrats Toune Councill and Communitie of the burgh of Glasgow The principall soumes following, Which they Find sufficiently verified and proven be bonds bearing annualrents and every one of them bearing to be expressly for the use of the regiment all dated before the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one subscryved be the officers of the respective regiments and registrat in the books of Councill and session quherof the extracts were produced to and seen and Considered be the Committie viz By the Earle of Argyle his regiment the soume of one Thousand four hundred nyntie four punds scots, Item be the Viscount of Kenmure his regiment the soume of nyne hundreth and Twentie four pounds scots money forsaid Item be the Laird of Grant his regiment the soume of ane Hundreth fiftie pund money forsaid Extending the saids principall soumes altogither in one to the soume of Two Thousand five hundreth sixtie Eight pund money forsaid and it is the Committies oppinion That ther is no annualrent to be payd for the principall soumes being arreirs to the forces for quhich the king and Queens majesties are to pay the annualrent But it is ther oppinion that the above principall soumes Extending without annualrent as said is are to be payed out of the above polemoney And that the magistrats Toune Councill and Communitie of Glasgow are to be recomended to the saids Lords Commissioners of their majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly, And Finds it suficiently instructed by a ticket under the hand of Captain Home Nynwells in the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons in August Jaj vjc Eightie nyne That ther is resting be that regiment to James Peddie the soume of nyntein punds Scots for Grass and it is the oppinion of the said Committie that this soume be payed to the said James Peddie out of the said polemoney And that he is to be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of ther Majesties thesaury for payment of the same Accordingly And Finds it suficiently proven under the hand of Captaine James Stewart That ther was furnished by the magistrats of Glassgow for the use of the Garison of Dinkell in Jully Jaj vjc nyntie when they were in great scarcity and extream hazard The number of Eightie bolls of meall, Which at Eight punds per boll amounts to sixtie four punds, and it is ther oppinion that ther is to be payed to the saids magistrats out of the said polemoney And that the saids magistrats are to be recomended to the saids Lords Commissioners of their majesties thesaurie for payment of the same accordingly And Finds that ther is resting be Captain Dunbar in the Viscount of Kenmuires regiment to James Robb merchant in Glasgow the soume of Threttie punds Scots for shoes furnished to the Souldiers in his Company instructed per bond bearing annualrent and expenses dated the sixth day of may Jaj vjc nyntie years and It is the Committies oppinion that ther should be no annualrent or expenses allowed But that the principall soume should be payed out of the said polemoney And that the said James Robb should be Recomended to the Lords of the thesaury for payment therof as the principall report it self at more length bears And Sicklike The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing Considered ane other additionall report made to them by the said4 Committie appointed for reviseing the accompts resting by his Majesties forces to the Countrey quherof the tenor followes The Comittie having Considered the accompts given in to them as resting be Captain Robert Buntein in the Earle of Glencairnes Regimeent to the persones afternamed inhabitants within the burgh of Glassgow with the instructiones and verifications therof They Find that besides the soumes resting be ther Majesties forces upon scots pay to the inhabitants of the said toune Contained in a former report of the Committies dated the twentie one day of November Jaj vjc nyntie four years Ther is resting be the said Captaine Buntein to the inhabitants afternamed the following soumes viz to Walter Leitch the soume of Twentie thrie punds Sixtein shilling and Eight pence Sterling money Item to Robert Grahame the soume of Eightein pund Sterling money forsaid Item to John Naper the soume of Twentie five punds Sterling money forsaid Item to William Baxters the soume of fiftie seven punds six shillings Eight pence sterling money forsaid, all which soumes they find suficiently instructed be the bonds granted be the said Captaine to the persones forsaids all bearing expressly for the use or subsistance of his said Company all which bonds doe bear ane obleisment for annualrent and thrie of them Containe penalties and were produced to and Considered be the Committie, And the Committie are of oppinion that ther is no annualrent nor penalty to be allowed for the said soumes And Finds that these soumes were all furnished and advanced preceeding the first day of February Jaj vjc ninty one yeares. And therfore it is the Comittie’s opinion That the principall sumes themselves alone without annualrent or Expences Extending altogether to the Sume of one hundred twenty four pounds three shilling four pence starline money forsaid. and in scots money to the sum of ane Thousand four hundreth fourscore and ten pounds is to be payed to the persones forsaids out of the present polemoney, and that the saids persones are to be Recommended to the Lords Commissioners of their Majesties Theasury for payment of the Same accordingly as the said additionall report at more Length Contains. The saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill doe heirby approve of the saids principall and additionall reports, and recommends to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Theasury to cause payment be made out of the present pole money to the magistrates and Inhabitants of the town of Glasgow of the sumes Contained in the saids Reports, according to their Respective proportiones condescended upon in the said principall and additionall reports.

Edinburgh the Thrid day of January Jaj vjc nyntie five years



Act anent the additionall accompts due to the Toun of Glasgow

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Having Considered ane principall report made to them by a Committie of ther oun number appointed for revising the accompts resting by his Majesties forces to the Countrey Wherof the tenor followes; The Committie haveing Considered the accompts given in to them as resting be the officers and souldiers of their majesties forces to the inhabitants of the toune of Glasgow with the instructiones and verificationes therof They find the haill articles of the said acompt Except the nynth and threteinth articles stated upon the Earle of Argylls regiment which not being in the termes of the proclamation of Councill of the date the thretie first day of Jully Last Jaj vjc nyntie four years They have Cause delite out the accompt)2 suficiently verified and proven be the oathes and depositiones of the saids inhabitants taken before two of the Commissioners of Supply within the Shyre of Lanerk Conforme to the report of the saids Commissioners produced to and Considered by the said Comittie, And Finds that besides the two saids articles quhich are not in the termes of the above proclamatione of Councill ther is yet resting by ther majesties forces upon the scots establishment to the saids inhabitants of Glasgow the Soumes following viz by the Earle of argyle his regiment of foot the soume of thrie hundleth thrie score nyne punds ten shilling six penies scots Item by the viscount of Kenmure his regiment of foot the soume of six hundreth Thrie score fiftein punds four shilling six penies Scots Item by the Lord Blantyre his regiment of foot ane hundreth and thretie one punds nyne shilling scots Item by the Lord Bargeny his regiment thrie punds fiftein shilling four penies scots Item by the Earle of Glencairne his regiment fourscore one punds fourtein shilling ten penies scots Item by the Earle of Eglingtone his troop of horss twentie two pund scots money Item by Coll Cuninghame his regiment of foot Twentie pund two shilling scots And the Committie have rejected and Caused delite the article of seventie six punds twelue shilling scots in this accompt stated as resting be the Laird of Grubits troop In Respect the same is for Silver Buttons and the Charge of a pair of Buckles and so not in the termes of the said proclamatione of Councill of the date the said thretie first day of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four years Extending the haill soumes forsaids due be the scots forces abovementioned to the saids inhabitants of Glasgow to the soume of ane thousand thrie hundreth and thrie punds sixtein shilling ten penies scots money And the Committie finds that the haill articles of the said accompt quherof the said soume is made up being besides the articles which are rejected and delite)3 were furnished preceeding the first of February Jaj vjc nyntie one And that they are all in the termes of the act fourth session of this Current parliament entituled act for polemoney and of the proclamatione of Councill relative dated the last of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four years And Therfore It is ther opinion That the said Soume of one Thousand thrie hundreth and thrie punds sixtein shilling ten penies scots is to be allowed to the saids inhabitants of Glassgow out of the said polemoney and that the saids inhabitants are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners of their majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly And the Committie Finds that besides the articles above sett doune ther is stated in the said accompt as resting be the persones aftermentioned in the Lord Angus regiment Viz Be Captain James Caldwall fiftie merks scots to Doctor Thomas Kennedy Item be him to John Boyd Chirugeon thrie hundred merks money forsaid for attendance and medicaments and be Serjant Millar to the said John Boyd twentie four punds money Which the Comittie Finds suficiently verified and proven in the same maner with the rest of the articles of the above accompts and Finds that the same is preceiding the said first of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years And the Committie being Informed be John Andersone of Dowhill who was provest of Glasgow when thir two debts were Contracted that the same were for cureing the said Captaine Caldweell and Serjant Miller of wounds which they received when they hade been at Dunkell and that the Captaine Laboured under his wounds for many moneths It is the Commities oppinion that the soumes ought to be payed to the said Doctor and Chirurgeon out of the said pole money In so farr allenarly as the arrears due to the Captain and Serjant in particular will extend to without burthening the arreirs resting to the wholl regiement in generall with the same, and that the said Doctor and Chirurgeon are to be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of their Majesties thessaury for payment in these termes, and the Committie Finds that besides the haill articles of the above accompts ther is resting be the officers of the Severall regiments afternamed to the Magistrats Toune Councill and Communitie of the burgh of Glasgow The principall soumes following, Which they Find sufficiently verified and proven be bonds bearing annualrents and every one of them bearing to be expressly for the use of the regiment all dated before the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one subscryved be the officers of the respective regiments and registrat in the books of Councill and session quherof the extracts were produced to and seen and Considered be the Committie viz By the Earle of Argyle his regiment the soume of one Thousand four hundred nyntie four punds scots, Item be the Viscount of Kenmure his regiment the soume of nyne hundreth and Twentie four pounds scots money forsaid Item be the Laird of Grant his regiment the soume of ane Hundreth fiftie pund money forsaid Extending the saids principall soumes altogither in one to the soume of Two Thousand five hundreth sixtie Eight pund money forsaid and it is the Committies oppinion That ther is no annualrent to be payd for the principall soumes being arreirs to the forces for quhich the king and Queens majesties are to pay the annualrent But it is ther oppinion that the above principall soumes Extending without annualrent as said is are to be payed out of the above polemoney And that the magistrats Toune Councill and Communitie of Glasgow are to be recomended to the saids Lords Commissioners of their majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly, And Finds it suficiently instructed by a ticket under the hand of Captain Home Nynwells in the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons in August Jaj vjc Eightie nyne That ther is resting be that regiment to James Peddie the soume of nyntein punds Scots for Grass and it is the oppinion of the said Committie that this soume be payed to the said James Peddie out of the said polemoney And that he is to be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of ther Majesties thesaury for payment of the same Accordingly And Finds it suficiently proven under the hand of Captaine James Stewart That ther was furnished by the magistrats of Glassgow for the use of the Garison of Dinkell in Jully Jaj vjc nyntie when they were in great scarcity and extream hazard The number of Eightie bolls of meall, Which at Eight punds per boll amounts to sixtie four punds, and it is ther oppinion that ther is to be payed to the saids magistrats out of the said polemoney And that the saids magistrats are to be recomended to the saids Lords Commissioners of their majesties thesaurie for payment of the same accordingly And Finds that ther is resting be Captain Dunbar in the Viscount of Kenmuires regiment to James Robb merchant in Glasgow the soume of Threttie punds Scots for shoes furnished to the Souldiers in his Company instructed per bond bearing annualrent and expenses dated the sixth day of may Jaj vjc nyntie years and It is the Committies oppinion that ther should be no annualrent or expenses allowed But that the principall soume should be payed out of the said polemoney And that the said James Robb should be Recomended to the Lords of the thesaury for payment therof as the principall report it self at more length bears And Sicklike The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing Considered ane other additionall report made to them by the said4 Committie appointed for reviseing the accompts resting by his Majesties forces to the Countrey quherof the tenor followes The Comittie having Considered the accompts given in to them as resting be Captain Robert Buntein in the Earle of Glencairnes Regimeent to the persones afternamed inhabitants within the burgh of Glassgow with the instructiones and verifications therof They Find that besides the soumes resting be ther Majesties forces upon scots pay to the inhabitants of the said toune Contained in a former report of the Committies dated the twentie one day of November Jaj vjc nyntie four years Ther is resting be the said Captaine Buntein to the inhabitants afternamed the following soumes viz to Walter Leitch the soume of Twentie thrie punds Sixtein shilling and Eight pence Sterling money Item to Robert Grahame the soume of Eightein pund Sterling money forsaid Item to John Naper the soume of Twentie five punds Sterling money forsaid Item to William Baxters the soume of fiftie seven punds six shillings Eight pence sterling money forsaid, all which soumes they find suficiently instructed be the bonds granted be the said Captaine to the persones forsaids all bearing expressly for the use or subsistance of his said Company all which bonds doe bear ane obleisment for annualrent and thrie of them Containe penalties and were produced to and Considered be the Committie, And the Committie are of oppinion that ther is no annualrent nor penalty to be allowed for the said soumes And Finds that these soumes were all furnished and advanced preceeding the first day of February Jaj vjc ninty one yeares. And therfore it is the Comittie’s opinion That the principall sumes themselves alone without annualrent or Expences Extending altogether to the Sume of one hundred twenty four pounds three shilling four pence starline money forsaid. and in scots money to the sum of ane Thousand four hundreth fourscore and ten pounds is to be payed to the persones forsaids out of the present polemoney, and that the saids persones are to be Recommended to the Lords Commissioners of their Majesties Theasury for payment of the Same accordingly as the said additionall report at more Length Contains. The saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill doe heirby approve of the saids principall and additionall reports, and recommends to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Theasury to cause payment be made out of the present pole money to the magistrates and Inhabitants of the town of Glasgow of the sumes Contained in the saids Reports, according to their Respective proportiones condescended upon in the said principall and additionall reports.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 132v-135v.

2. Opening bracket missing.

3. Opening bracket missing.

4. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 132v-135v.

2. Opening bracket missing.

3. Opening bracket missing.

4. Insertion.