Act, 17 January 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Seventeinth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie five years



Act and Recomendatione The Laird of Sauchie and his tenants anent acompts

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered two severall reports made to them be a Committie of their oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey The first Report dated the thretein of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years and Bearing that the Committie having Considered the accompt of Losses sustained by […] Glass of Sauchie and his tenents with what number of forces were quartered in the baronies of Sauchie Caltenholl in the years Jaj vjc Eightie nyne and Jaj vjc nyntie Togither with the instructiones and verificationes therof They Find it suficiently proven be the oathes and Depositiones of the Laird of Sauchie and his tenents taken before two of the Commissioners of Supply Conforme to ther subscryved report produced that the haill articles in the accompt were truely furnished and are yet resting as stated in the accompt and particularly the Committie Finds that the first thrie articles in this accompt viz primo Two baggage horsses with secks and other furnitor in Jully Jaj vjc Eightie nyne valued both to fourtie four pund Item Eightein secks Lost be the saids tennents that Caried meall from Stirling to the toune of Pearth at twelue shilling the peice with two pair of sods Is twelue pund Item Lost by them ane horss and furnitur which Caried ammunitione from Stirling Castle to Pearth valued at Eightein pund are yet resting and it is the Committies opinion that these thrie articles are to be allowed to the said Laird of Sauchie and his tennents but not out of the fond of thrie monethes Cess and hearth money, Bot that they be Recomended to the Lords of thesaurie for payment therof In such way and maner as they shall think fitt, And Finds that ther is resting to the said Laird of Sauchie and his tennents be ther Majesties forces as they are after stated upon regiments and troops the soumes following viz by the Earle of Argylls regiment Eight pund sixtein shilling scots Item the Lord Ross his troop ane pund ten shilling scots Item be the Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons ane hundreth and nyntie two punds scots Item be the Earle of Glencairnes regiment thretie seven punds sixtein shilling scots Item be the Lord Elphingstounes troop seven punds scots Item by the laird of Grubits troup fourtie Eight punds scots Item by the Lord Newbotles troop two punds scots Extending the haill soumes to the soume of Thrie hundreth twenty seven punds two shilling and the Comittie give ther opinion that all these articles furnished to the above regiments and troops are to be allowed out of the thrie moneths Cess and hearth money And that the Laird of Sauchie and his tennants are to be Recomended to the Lords of the thesaury That they may Cause payment be made to them of the same accordingly, And the Comittie Finds the article following suficiently proven being the nynth article of the said accompt Viz That upon Thursday the fiftein of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie Ther came to the Laird of Sauchie his parks the Laird of Nyneholls2 his troop of Dragoons in Cardross regiement Consisting of fourtie they went out the Twentie thrid of the said moneth and returned that same night with another troop in the said regiment made up of the Colls and Livt Colls and my Lord Elphingstounes troop of horss which in all made Fourscore and Eleven horss They stayed till the twentie seventh of the said moneth at which time they marched towards Kippen they all returned the threttie day and stayed one night the haill at two shilling each night Extends to Thrie score seventein pund Fourtein shilling, and that besides the spoilling of young planting and breaking of Dykes And the Committie are of opinion that this article is to be allowed out of the above fond, And that the Laird of Sauchie and his tenants be Recomended to the saids Lords of thesaury for payment therof accordingly Reserving to the saids Lords (if they shall think fitt) to proportione the said article upon the said regiment of Dragoons and troop of horss each for ther oun parts and the Committie finds the fourteinth article of this accompt suficiently proven Viz that upon the thretie of Jully Last Coll Livingstounes regiment of Dragoons passing from Stirling to Kilsyth did destroy the victuall to the tenents of the said baronies as the samen was all pryzed by the Barlemen six bolls two pecks oats two pecks bear ane firlott of pease at six pund the boll over head with the Fodder is thretie nyne pund, And the Committie Remitts to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill to Consider Whither this article should be allowed or not and in what maner And the Comittie Finds the fifteinth articles of this accompt suficiently proven viz That John Airth in Pollocks troop came to Thomas Ross his house the twentie nynth day of Jully […] wher he Lay sick till the first of August at which time he dyed resting for his funeralls and mantainment Threttein pund Eight shilling, And it is the opinion of the Committie that this article is to be allowed out of the above fond In so farr as extends to ten shilling scots per diem for mantinance of the man and his horss frae the twentie nynth of Jully to sixth of August and that the rest of the article being for the mans funeralls to also to be allowed but not out of the above fond But in such way and maner as the Lords of thesaury shall think fit and that the Laird of Sauchie and his tenents forsaids are to be recomended to the saids Lords of thesaury for payment of both parts of the said article in the termes forsaids and the Comittie Finds the sixteinth and last article of the said accompt suficiently proven viz That ther was furnished by the saids tennants ane horss with furnitor an ane man for goeing to Innerlochie which horss being apprysed both at his giveing away and returning was found to be Eightein pund worss when he returned then when he went out which with the mans fie who went with him being nyne punds is twentie seven pund, And the Comitties opinion is that this article cannot be allowed or stated but that the tennents may yet be allowed to prove in the termes of the Councill proclamation what number of mylls the man and horss did travell with the forces and that ther be allowed thrie shilling scots per myll for both man and ane hoss as appoynted by former proclamation of Councill And it is the Comitties opinion that the mylles being proven the samen is not to be allowed out of the above fond but that the furnisher are to be recomended to the Lords of the thesaury for payment therof In such way and maner as ther Lordships shall think fitt and alse the saids Lords having Considered the second report dated the twentie one of December Jaj vjc nyntie four years Bearing the Committie having Considered the first report Remitts the same to the Councills Consideratione and it is ther opinion that the articles which in the report are Recomended to the payed out of the then thrie moneths cess and hearth money should now be Recomended to be payed out of the pole money appointed by the nynth act fourth session of this Current parliament these articles being all in the termes of the said act of parliament and proclamationes of Councill dated the Last of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four Which the Comittie finds they are as the saids two reports in themselves at length bears The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Doe heirby Recomend to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury to Cause payment be made out of the present polemoney to the said Laird of Sauchie and his tenents of such soumes as by the first report are Recomended to be payed out of the then hearth money and three moneths Cess.

Edinburgh the Seventeinth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie five years



Act and Recomendatione The Laird of Sauchie and his tenants anent acompts

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered two severall reports made to them be a Committie of their oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey The first Report dated the thretein of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years and Bearing that the Committie having Considered the accompt of Losses sustained by […] Glass of Sauchie and his tenents with what number of forces were quartered in the baronies of Sauchie Caltenholl in the years Jaj vjc Eightie nyne and Jaj vjc nyntie Togither with the instructiones and verificationes therof They Find it suficiently proven be the oathes and Depositiones of the Laird of Sauchie and his tenents taken before two of the Commissioners of Supply Conforme to ther subscryved report produced that the haill articles in the accompt were truely furnished and are yet resting as stated in the accompt and particularly the Committie Finds that the first thrie articles in this accompt viz primo Two baggage horsses with secks and other furnitor in Jully Jaj vjc Eightie nyne valued both to fourtie four pund Item Eightein secks Lost be the saids tennents that Caried meall from Stirling to the toune of Pearth at twelue shilling the peice with two pair of sods Is twelue pund Item Lost by them ane horss and furnitur which Caried ammunitione from Stirling Castle to Pearth valued at Eightein pund are yet resting and it is the Committies opinion that these thrie articles are to be allowed to the said Laird of Sauchie and his tennents but not out of the fond of thrie monethes Cess and hearth money, Bot that they be Recomended to the Lords of thesaurie for payment therof In such way and maner as they shall think fitt, And Finds that ther is resting to the said Laird of Sauchie and his tennents be ther Majesties forces as they are after stated upon regiments and troops the soumes following viz by the Earle of Argylls regiment Eight pund sixtein shilling scots Item the Lord Ross his troop ane pund ten shilling scots Item be the Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons ane hundreth and nyntie two punds scots Item be the Earle of Glencairnes regiment thretie seven punds sixtein shilling scots Item be the Lord Elphingstounes troop seven punds scots Item by the laird of Grubits troup fourtie Eight punds scots Item by the Lord Newbotles troop two punds scots Extending the haill soumes to the soume of Thrie hundreth twenty seven punds two shilling and the Comittie give ther opinion that all these articles furnished to the above regiments and troops are to be allowed out of the thrie moneths Cess and hearth money And that the Laird of Sauchie and his tennants are to be Recomended to the Lords of the thesaury That they may Cause payment be made to them of the same accordingly, And the Comittie Finds the article following suficiently proven being the nynth article of the said accompt Viz That upon Thursday the fiftein of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie Ther came to the Laird of Sauchie his parks the Laird of Nyneholls2 his troop of Dragoons in Cardross regiement Consisting of fourtie they went out the Twentie thrid of the said moneth and returned that same night with another troop in the said regiment made up of the Colls and Livt Colls and my Lord Elphingstounes troop of horss which in all made Fourscore and Eleven horss They stayed till the twentie seventh of the said moneth at which time they marched towards Kippen they all returned the threttie day and stayed one night the haill at two shilling each night Extends to Thrie score seventein pund Fourtein shilling, and that besides the spoilling of young planting and breaking of Dykes And the Committie are of opinion that this article is to be allowed out of the above fond, And that the Laird of Sauchie and his tenants be Recomended to the saids Lords of thesaury for payment therof accordingly Reserving to the saids Lords (if they shall think fitt) to proportione the said article upon the said regiment of Dragoons and troop of horss each for ther oun parts and the Committie finds the fourteinth article of this accompt suficiently proven Viz that upon the thretie of Jully Last Coll Livingstounes regiment of Dragoons passing from Stirling to Kilsyth did destroy the victuall to the tenents of the said baronies as the samen was all pryzed by the Barlemen six bolls two pecks oats two pecks bear ane firlott of pease at six pund the boll over head with the Fodder is thretie nyne pund, And the Committie Remitts to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill to Consider Whither this article should be allowed or not and in what maner And the Comittie Finds the fifteinth articles of this accompt suficiently proven viz That John Airth in Pollocks troop came to Thomas Ross his house the twentie nynth day of Jully […] wher he Lay sick till the first of August at which time he dyed resting for his funeralls and mantainment Threttein pund Eight shilling, And it is the opinion of the Committie that this article is to be allowed out of the above fond In so farr as extends to ten shilling scots per diem for mantinance of the man and his horss frae the twentie nynth of Jully to sixth of August and that the rest of the article being for the mans funeralls to also to be allowed but not out of the above fond But in such way and maner as the Lords of thesaury shall think fit and that the Laird of Sauchie and his tenents forsaids are to be recomended to the saids Lords of thesaury for payment of both parts of the said article in the termes forsaids and the Comittie Finds the sixteinth and last article of the said accompt suficiently proven viz That ther was furnished by the saids tennants ane horss with furnitor an ane man for goeing to Innerlochie which horss being apprysed both at his giveing away and returning was found to be Eightein pund worss when he returned then when he went out which with the mans fie who went with him being nyne punds is twentie seven pund, And the Comitties opinion is that this article cannot be allowed or stated but that the tennents may yet be allowed to prove in the termes of the Councill proclamation what number of mylls the man and horss did travell with the forces and that ther be allowed thrie shilling scots per myll for both man and ane hoss as appoynted by former proclamation of Councill And it is the Comitties opinion that the mylles being proven the samen is not to be allowed out of the above fond but that the furnisher are to be recomended to the Lords of the thesaury for payment therof In such way and maner as ther Lordships shall think fitt and alse the saids Lords having Considered the second report dated the twentie one of December Jaj vjc nyntie four years Bearing the Committie having Considered the first report Remitts the same to the Councills Consideratione and it is ther opinion that the articles which in the report are Recomended to the payed out of the then thrie moneths cess and hearth money should now be Recomended to be payed out of the pole money appointed by the nynth act fourth session of this Current parliament these articles being all in the termes of the said act of parliament and proclamationes of Councill dated the Last of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four Which the Comittie finds they are as the saids two reports in themselves at length bears The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Doe heirby Recomend to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury to Cause payment be made out of the present polemoney to the said Laird of Sauchie and his tenents of such soumes as by the first report are Recomended to be payed out of the then hearth money and three moneths Cess.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 149r-151r.

2. Marginal note: ‘X’.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 149r-151r.

2. Marginal note: ‘X’.