Edinburgh Tuseday the tuelth February 1695
Warrand for a Lybell Fea contra Lapnes
Petitione Patrick Fea of Whythall Compleaning that Robert Elphingstoune of Lapnes has done him severall injuries Read and the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the same They heirby allow the Clerks of Councill to give out letters for citing the above […] Elphingstoune of Lapnes to appear before the Councill upon the first of June nixt and alse for citeing witnesses for proveing what is alledged in the petitione against him, and appoints the Stewart of Orkneyes officers to execute the letters which shall be raised heiron and declaires the executiones duely done and subscryved be the stewarts officer shall be alse effectuall as if the samen were done by a messenger.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 175v-176r.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 175v-176r.