Act, 28 May 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Holyrudhouse the tuenty eight day of May one thousand sex Hundred nynty and fyve years



Act the Duke of Gordone continowing his Libertie

His majesties High Commissioner and the Lords of privy Councill In obedience to his Majesties Letter direct to them of the date the tuenty seventh day of Apryll Last Doe hereby allow George Duke of Gordon to continow at libertie untill the first day of December next to come The said Duke of Gordone giving bond and finding sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill That He shall remaine confyned within the toune of Edinburgh and four myles about the same and that he shall not goe without the bounds of his said Confynement and that he shall reenter his persone prisoner within the Castle of Edinburgh upon the said first day of December next to come and in the meantyme that he shall live peaceablie within the bounds of his said Confynement under the penaltie of two thousand pound sterling in case he shall transgress any part of the premisses. And upon granting this bond ordaines the former to be given up.

At Holyrudhouse the tuenty eight day of May one thousand sex Hundred nynty and fyve years



Act the Duke of Gordone continowing his Libertie

His majesties High Commissioner and the Lords of privy Councill In obedience to his Majesties Letter direct to them of the date the tuenty seventh day of Apryll Last Doe hereby allow George Duke of Gordon to continow at libertie untill the first day of December next to come The said Duke of Gordone giving bond and finding sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill That He shall remaine confyned within the toune of Edinburgh and four myles about the same and that he shall not goe without the bounds of his said Confynement and that he shall reenter his persone prisoner within the Castle of Edinburgh upon the said first day of December next to come and in the meantyme that he shall live peaceablie within the bounds of his said Confynement under the penaltie of two thousand pound sterling in case he shall transgress any part of the premisses. And upon granting this bond ordaines the former to be given up.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 197.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 197.