At Edinburgh 7th February 1695
Procedure: committee formed
Rabble among the Guards at Edinburgh
The Councill being informed That by ordor from a Comittie of privie Councill anent souldiers and recruits; The Guards of Leith Convoying two persones seized as Souldiers from Leith tolbooth to Edinburgh tolbooth They were stoped in their March through the street of Edinburgh And a rable being gathered The guard come from Leith were beaten and some of them wounded and the prisoners haveing escaped The toune guard of Edinburgh gave noe assistance to the partie come from Leith They called for the Captaine Leut and other officers of the toune Gaurd of Edinburgh and finding there was ordors given to the Serjant if any partie of Souldiers did pass their Guard Before they acquainted them That the serjant should stop that partie as the guards of the Cannongate were wont to doe to the Toune of Edinburghs Guards or the guards of the Cannongate to stop any other whill they are in executione of the Commands of the Councill or their Committie and Haveing given a reprimand to the Captaine of the guard of Edinburgh for the maledeportment of his guard in this affaire and discharged him to give any orders for stopeing any guards marcheing through the toune in prosecutione of the Councills Commands at any tyme before sunsett He was dismissed and the Councill appoynts him immediatly to send to the tolbooth of Edinburgh the Serjant who Commanded the Guaird when the rable was raised In respect he not only stopt the partie on their march but gave them noe assistance against the Rable And the Councill nominats and appoynts The Earle of Leven Viscount of Tarbat Lord Carmichaell Master Francis Montgomerie and the Laird of Grant to be a Comittie to take tryall and make inquyrie anent the ryse of the said rable and the prejudice done by them and to examine witneses and to take all other probatione necessar for that effect And Appoynts the Magistrats of Edinburgh to be present and fournish them with probatione And Recomends to the Comittie to meet the morrow at ten of the Clock in the forenoone and any three a quorum
1. NRS, PC1/50, 117-18.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 117-18.