Act, 17 December 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Seventyne day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Act Adair and Slazier

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of privie Councill be John Adair Geographer Shewing That The estates of parliament in ther late Sessione haveing bein pleased by ther act of the sixtein of Jully Last to Lay ane impositione upon Shipping for making of mapps and descriptions of the coasts and Islands of Scotland And now the petitioner haveing wyne sea mapps readie which with ther Descriptiones will compose the first pairt of the work And ther being only four of the saids mapps cutte The Soume of Two Hundereth punds Sterleing will be presently necessarie for cutting the other five bwying paper and printing them with ther descriptiones And seeing by the said act of parliament The Lords of privie Councell are to sie to the applyeing of the foirsaid impositione for that use In caice the said Soume be payed in to the petitioner befor the midle of January next he thereby obleidges himself to have the said first pairt printed and published by whittSounday next Therfore Desyreing the saids Lords of privie Councill to ordaine his majesties cashkeeper to call for the said soume from the collectors of his majesties customes and pay in the samen to the petitioner against the forsaid tyme As the said petitione bears Which being red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Councell with ane other be Captain John Slazer They heirby appoint George Baillie of Jarviswood generall receaver of his majesties crowne rents to call for and receave in from the collectors and tacksemen of his majesties customes and forraigne excyse the impositione Laid upon Shipping mentioned in the saids petitiones And ordaines these collectors to delyver and pay in the same to him And nominats and appoints The Lord Yeaster and The Laird of Blackbarronie to be a comittie of Councell for seing of the Said impositione applyed and proportioned in the termes of the act of parliament And ordaines Letters to be direct heiron at the instance of his majesties cashkeeper Against the collectors And tacksemen of his majesties cwstomes and forraigne excyse in forme as effeirs

Att Edinburgh the Seventyne day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Act Adair and Slazier

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of privie Councill be John Adair Geographer Shewing That The estates of parliament in ther late Sessione haveing bein pleased by ther act of the sixtein of Jully Last to Lay ane impositione upon Shipping for making of mapps and descriptions of the coasts and Islands of Scotland And now the petitioner haveing wyne sea mapps readie which with ther Descriptiones will compose the first pairt of the work And ther being only four of the saids mapps cutte The Soume of Two Hundereth punds Sterleing will be presently necessarie for cutting the other five bwying paper and printing them with ther descriptiones And seeing by the said act of parliament The Lords of privie Councell are to sie to the applyeing of the foirsaid impositione for that use In caice the said Soume be payed in to the petitioner befor the midle of January next he thereby obleidges himself to have the said first pairt printed and published by whittSounday next Therfore Desyreing the saids Lords of privie Councill to ordaine his majesties cashkeeper to call for the said soume from the collectors of his majesties customes and pay in the samen to the petitioner against the forsaid tyme As the said petitione bears Which being red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Councell with ane other be Captain John Slazer They heirby appoint George Baillie of Jarviswood generall receaver of his majesties crowne rents to call for and receave in from the collectors and tacksemen of his majesties customes and forraigne excyse the impositione Laid upon Shipping mentioned in the saids petitiones And ordaines these collectors to delyver and pay in the same to him And nominats and appoints The Lord Yeaster and The Laird of Blackbarronie to be a comittie of Councell for seing of the Said impositione applyed and proportioned in the termes of the act of parliament And ordaines Letters to be direct heiron at the instance of his majesties cashkeeper Against the collectors And tacksemen of his majesties cwstomes and forraigne excyse in forme as effeirs

1. NRS, PC2/26, 66r.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 66r.