Att Edinburgh the twelve day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs
Warrand Doctor Trotter
The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell doe heirby appoint ther clerk in whose hands the patent registers books and papers belonging to the Colledge of phisitians are to exhibite and Lay Downe the Same upon the table within the rowme wher ther colledge meets in presence of Mr Robert Trotter Doctor of medicine present president of the said colledge whom they appoint to receave the patent registers books and papers And be ansuerable for the same in tyme comeing And appoints the keeyes of the roome wher the said colledge does meet now in ther saids clerks hands to be delivered to the persone who is officer to the said colledge of phisitians And that the presmisses be done and performed with Fourtie eight houres efter the date here of
1. NRS, PC2/26, 61r-61v.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 61r-61v.