Order, 14 February 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Edinburgh Thursday 14th February 1695



Recomendation to the thesaury John Simervell

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be John Simervell late one of the Serjants in Coll James Maitland his regiment of foot in Flanders Shewing That wher the petitioner haveing these twentie thrie years served under the Crown of Great Brittane Fyve quherof as a Serjant in the said Collonoll James Maitland his regiment of foot in their majesties service King William and Queen Mary and now being griviously wounded in the service and therby become altogither infirme as the Coll his Discharge produced bears And seing the petitioner since his returne to his native Countrey is redacted to the extreamity of want and poverty and not able for the present to doe for himself And Therfore begging the saids Lords for the favor of the almighty God would be leased to Consider the petitioners said and distressed Conditione, and not only Recomend him to the Lords Commissioner of his majesties thesaury for ane Constant supply dureing his infirmity, But also in the mean time allow him some Consideratione for his present necessity to keep him from sterving, seing when Recovered he is most willing to serve ther majesties either at home or abroad in what statione the saids Lords pleased as the petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petitione given in to them be the above John Simervell They heirby Recommend to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury, To allow to the petitioner such Charity as they shall find his necessitous Condition does requyre, and to Cause inroll him among the number of the Invalids if he be qualified for that effect.

Edinburgh Thursday 14th February 1695



Recomendation to the thesaury John Simervell

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be John Simervell late one of the Serjants in Coll James Maitland his regiment of foot in Flanders Shewing That wher the petitioner haveing these twentie thrie years served under the Crown of Great Brittane Fyve quherof as a Serjant in the said Collonoll James Maitland his regiment of foot in their majesties service King William and Queen Mary and now being griviously wounded in the service and therby become altogither infirme as the Coll his Discharge produced bears And seing the petitioner since his returne to his native Countrey is redacted to the extreamity of want and poverty and not able for the present to doe for himself And Therfore begging the saids Lords for the favor of the almighty God would be leased to Consider the petitioners said and distressed Conditione, and not only Recomend him to the Lords Commissioner of his majesties thesaury for ane Constant supply dureing his infirmity, But also in the mean time allow him some Consideratione for his present necessity to keep him from sterving, seing when Recovered he is most willing to serve ther majesties either at home or abroad in what statione the saids Lords pleased as the petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petitione given in to them be the above John Simervell They heirby Recommend to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury, To allow to the petitioner such Charity as they shall find his necessitous Condition does requyre, and to Cause inroll him among the number of the Invalids if he be qualified for that effect.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 180r.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 180r.