Act, 15 January 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie five years



Act and Recomendation The Lord Kinairds tenents of Inchsture Longforgan and Rossie etc anent accompts

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the report of a Comittie of their oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Wherof the tenor followes The Committie haveing Considered the accompt given in to them as resting be hi majesties forces to the Lord Kinaird and his tenents in the paroches of Inchsture Longforgane and Rossie etc with the instructiones and verifications therof They Find that ther are some of the articles of the said accompt wrong in the Calcull And Therfore they have Caused amend these articles and stated the same in this report according as they are now rightly Calculate, And the Committie Finds the haill articles of the said accompt according as they are now Calculat and stated in this report suficiently verified and proven partly by the oathes and depositiones of William Alexander James Jacksones elder and younger, Androw Galloway James Grahame James Gardner and William Fyfe taken before the Commissioners of Supply within the shyre of Pearth Conforme to the saids Commissioners ther report signed be them bearing that the persones forsaids Compeired before them And Deponed that the said accompt was truely furnished be them to his Majesties forces and that ther weas no payment made of any part therof and partly both be recepts under the hands of the Souldiers and be the saids depositiones and report of the Commissioners Both which recepts and report were produced to and Considered be the said Comittie And Finds that Conforme to the saids recepts and report the are resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay to the said Lord Kinard and his tennents forsaid the soumes following viz be the Earle of Argyll his regiment of foot the soume of ane hundreth and six punds Eleven shilling four pennies scots money Item by the Lord Beilhaven his troop of horss the soume of Fourtie two punds scots money for said Item by the Earle of Eglingtoune his troop of horss the soume of nyne pund two shilling scots money forsaid Extending the haill soumes forsaid due by his Majesties forces upon scots pay to the soume of ane hundreth fiftie seven punds thretein shilling four penies scots money forsaid And the Committie Finds that all the articles quherof the last soume is made up were furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years and that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth session of this Current parliament Entituled act for polemoney and of the proclamation of Councill relative therto of the date the last day of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four years, and Therfore It is the Committies oppinion that the above soume of ane hundreth fiftie seven punds threttein shilling four penies scots money forsaid is to be payed to the Lord Kinaird and his tennants in the paroches forsaids out of the present pole money and that his Lordship and the saids tenents are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly and the Committie Finds it suficiently instructed in maner forsaid That ther is resting be Coll Lauders regiment which was not under scots pay the soume of thretie thrie punds Twelue shilling scots money to the said Lord Kinaird and his said tennants And it is their oppinion That this should be transmitted to the kings majestie That they may Order such Courss to be taken therwith as in his Royall Wisdome he shall think fitt as the said Report in it self bears The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Doe heirby approve of the forsaid report And Recomends to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties thesaury To Cause payment be made out of the present polemoney to the said Lord Kinaird and his tennents in the parochins forsaid of the above soume of ane hundreth and Fiftie seven punds thretein shilling four pennies scots resting be the scots forces and appoints the soume resting be the English forces to be transmitted to his majestie to the effect mentioned in the above report

Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie five years



Act and Recomendation The Lord Kinairds tenents of Inchsture Longforgan and Rossie etc anent accompts

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the report of a Comittie of their oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Wherof the tenor followes The Committie haveing Considered the accompt given in to them as resting be hi majesties forces to the Lord Kinaird and his tenents in the paroches of Inchsture Longforgane and Rossie etc with the instructiones and verifications therof They Find that ther are some of the articles of the said accompt wrong in the Calcull And Therfore they have Caused amend these articles and stated the same in this report according as they are now rightly Calculate, And the Committie Finds the haill articles of the said accompt according as they are now Calculat and stated in this report suficiently verified and proven partly by the oathes and depositiones of William Alexander James Jacksones elder and younger, Androw Galloway James Grahame James Gardner and William Fyfe taken before the Commissioners of Supply within the shyre of Pearth Conforme to the saids Commissioners ther report signed be them bearing that the persones forsaids Compeired before them And Deponed that the said accompt was truely furnished be them to his Majesties forces and that ther weas no payment made of any part therof and partly both be recepts under the hands of the Souldiers and be the saids depositiones and report of the Commissioners Both which recepts and report were produced to and Considered be the said Comittie And Finds that Conforme to the saids recepts and report the are resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay to the said Lord Kinard and his tennents forsaid the soumes following viz be the Earle of Argyll his regiment of foot the soume of ane hundreth and six punds Eleven shilling four pennies scots money Item by the Lord Beilhaven his troop of horss the soume of Fourtie two punds scots money for said Item by the Earle of Eglingtoune his troop of horss the soume of nyne pund two shilling scots money forsaid Extending the haill soumes forsaid due by his Majesties forces upon scots pay to the soume of ane hundreth fiftie seven punds thretein shilling four penies scots money forsaid And the Committie Finds that all the articles quherof the last soume is made up were furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years and that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth session of this Current parliament Entituled act for polemoney and of the proclamation of Councill relative therto of the date the last day of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four years, and Therfore It is the Committies oppinion that the above soume of ane hundreth fiftie seven punds threttein shilling four penies scots money forsaid is to be payed to the Lord Kinaird and his tennants in the paroches forsaids out of the present pole money and that his Lordship and the saids tenents are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly and the Committie Finds it suficiently instructed in maner forsaid That ther is resting be Coll Lauders regiment which was not under scots pay the soume of thretie thrie punds Twelue shilling scots money to the said Lord Kinaird and his said tennants And it is their oppinion That this should be transmitted to the kings majestie That they may Order such Courss to be taken therwith as in his Royall Wisdome he shall think fitt as the said Report in it self bears The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Doe heirby approve of the forsaid report And Recomends to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties thesaury To Cause payment be made out of the present polemoney to the said Lord Kinaird and his tennents in the parochins forsaid of the above soume of ane hundreth and Fiftie seven punds thretein shilling four pennies scots resting be the scots forces and appoints the soume resting be the English forces to be transmitted to his majestie to the effect mentioned in the above report

1. NRS, PC2/25, 148r-149r.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 148r-149r.