At Edinburgh the fyfth day of December Jaj vjc nyntie and fyve years
Warrand Comissaries of the Armie for ceitting and apprehending Laird of Pourie younger
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill by Sir James Oswald and James Dunlop Comissaries For the armie Shewing That where the Laird of Balnamoon on the petitioners account bought a quantity of Corne and fodder from a tenent of the Laird of Pourie younger when one of their subcomissaries was gone with carts to carrie the said cornes to the magazine at Forfar Pourie on pretence of the rent due to Him arreisted the Corns and stoped the Carts which arreistment being Loused and Cautione found by the Laird of Balnamoon to pay Pourie his rent Pourie against ordor of Law and in a2 Tumultary maner stopped the Carts and Hindred their subcommissioners to take the Cornes to Forfar wherthrough the Troope Lyeing there is disappoynted of Corne and fodder for a tyme And therfore Humbly craveing the said Lords That since the said Cornes are brought by the petitioners factor and the said tenent satisfied as to the pryce and also the master by sufficient Cautione secured for his Rent Their Lordships would be pleased to ordor the said troop at Forfar to assist their subcomissioners and factors to Carrie the said Cornes to the said magazine and to hinder any persone from stopeing their Carts that the forces may be provyded and in the meantyme to consider what Punishment aught to be inflicted on Pourie for impeading the publict business and furnishing of the troupe against all Law as the said petitione bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Haveing considered the foresaid petitione given in to them by the said Sir James Oswald and James Dunlop The Hereby grant warrant to the Clerks of Councill to give out Letters on the foresaid petitione against the said Laird of Pourie younger for ceitting him to appear before the Councill upon the […] day of […] to answere to the same and also for ceitting of witneses And in the meantyme Recomends to the Duke of Queensberry Commander in Cheiff for the tyme of his majesties forces within this Kingdome imediatly to dispatch a partie of his majesties forces to search for take and apprehend the persone of the said Laird of Pourie younger and to convoy Him to the Toune of Edinburgh and delyver him to the magistrats thereof Whom they appoynt to detaine Him untill he find sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privie Councill That He shall make answere to the foresaid petitione and satisfie and fulfill the sentance of Councill quhich shall be given therupon and that He shall appear and attend the Haill dyets of proces before the Councill from tyme to tyme in this affair And that He shall not depairt out of the Toune of Edinburgh and Liberties therof untill the said proces be discust and the sentance to be pronounced therein obtempered and fulfilled by Him
1. NRS, PC1/50, 284-5.
2. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 284-5.
2. Insertion.