Att Edinburgh the twentie Sixth Day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs
Act Dowglas of Strahendrie
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Councell be Robert Douglas of Strahenrie collector of the cess pole money in the Shyre of Fiffe Shewing That wher the petitioner haveing lately secured ane act in his favours from the said Lords of privie Councell appointing James Crafurd of Mowntwhammy Late collector and John Arrock late clerks for the said Shyre to give up to the petitioner all Lists of poleable persones and all polemoney which they had uplifted Togither with all books and papers which were in ther custodie concerning the present polemoney And finds that the foirsaid act of Cowncell did not contane any warrand for the Deliverance up of the cess books of the said Shyre albeit it be absolutely necessar that the cess books (which now are in the custodie of the said John Arrock and James Crafurd) Are the only exact and true rule to Discover the truth and veritie of the valwatione conforme to the Lists given in theranent And the petitioner requyred up the said cess books or extracts therof from them they altogither refwsed without The saids Lords of privie Councells warrand for that effect as the Said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Councell They heirby Decerne and ordaine the saids James Crafurd and John Arrock to allow to the petitioner a full sight of the principall Cess books of the Shyre of Fife And for that effect to make the same open and patent to him or to give to him awthentick Extracts therof upon his own charges and expensses And ordaines Letters of horning on thrie dayes warning and wthers needfull wnder the Signet of Councell to be direct heiron in forme as effeirs
1. NRS, PC2/26, 70v-71r.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 70v-71r.