Act, 19 February 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Edinburgh Tuesday 19th February 1695



Act Robert Davidson for a Collectione

Anent The petition given in to the Lords of this Majesties privy Councill be Robert Davidsone merchant in Ellon Shewing That quher in the begining of December Last Major James Weir his Troop In the Lord Carmichealls regiment of Dragoons being quartered in the toune of Ellon wher the petitioner did reside being in ane very good Conditione and fair way of Liveing having a Good trad of Marchandizeing within the said Toune, and haveing also built ane ordinary good house of two stories high and weell plenished, and the said troope having put ther magizon of Powder in a laigh room of the petitioners dwalling house quherof they hade the Charge and Custody of the key and haveing two of them quartered upon him The fifth day of the said moneth of December the saids Dragoons haveing mett in order to divyde the powder, and whill they were Divyding and parting of the Same, The haill Magizon therof was kendled wherby the petitioner was altogither ruined by dimolishing of his housses and his haill merchant goods and houshold plenshing burnt and nothing recovered therof as also one of the saids Dragoons and two of the petitioners servant women killed (and the petitioner himself his wyfe and Child being altogither in bed upon another floor betwixt which and the powder ther was ane door of Comunicatione wherby they were all Caried up to the tope of the houses wher they Lay and the petitioner his wife and Child by the providence of God were preserved and help of the feather bed quheron they Lay, which was supposed to have allayed the streanth and violence of the powder Togither with ane relatione of his wyfes who was allmost burnt, and is presently Lying under the phisitians hands to whom the petitioner is bound for satisffactione of the Cure all which is not only nottourly know’n in the place But alsoe is testified by the heritors minister elders and indwallers of the said toune and parochin of Ellon ther testificats under their hands therwith produced, The petitioner has utterly Lost his stock and is randered incapable to follow his trade of merchandizeing and brewing and he and his family redacted to extream poverty And Therfore Humbly Suplicating the saids Lords to the effect aftermentioned The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them be the above Robert Davidsone Togither with the severall testificats produced therwith They heirby allow a voluntar Collectione to be made for the petitioners releiff in all the paroch Churches and meeting housses within the shyres of Aberdein, Banff, and Kincairdine and Touns within the same, And appoints intimatione of this Collectione to be made at the severall parish Churches and meetting houses within the bounds forsaids upon the Lords day Immediatly preceiding the said Collectione.

Edinburgh Tuesday 19th February 1695



Act Robert Davidson for a Collectione

Anent The petition given in to the Lords of this Majesties privy Councill be Robert Davidsone merchant in Ellon Shewing That quher in the begining of December Last Major James Weir his Troop In the Lord Carmichealls regiment of Dragoons being quartered in the toune of Ellon wher the petitioner did reside being in ane very good Conditione and fair way of Liveing having a Good trad of Marchandizeing within the said Toune, and haveing also built ane ordinary good house of two stories high and weell plenished, and the said troope having put ther magizon of Powder in a laigh room of the petitioners dwalling house quherof they hade the Charge and Custody of the key and haveing two of them quartered upon him The fifth day of the said moneth of December the saids Dragoons haveing mett in order to divyde the powder, and whill they were Divyding and parting of the Same, The haill Magizon therof was kendled wherby the petitioner was altogither ruined by dimolishing of his housses and his haill merchant goods and houshold plenshing burnt and nothing recovered therof as also one of the saids Dragoons and two of the petitioners servant women killed (and the petitioner himself his wyfe and Child being altogither in bed upon another floor betwixt which and the powder ther was ane door of Comunicatione wherby they were all Caried up to the tope of the houses wher they Lay and the petitioner his wife and Child by the providence of God were preserved and help of the feather bed quheron they Lay, which was supposed to have allayed the streanth and violence of the powder Togither with ane relatione of his wyfes who was allmost burnt, and is presently Lying under the phisitians hands to whom the petitioner is bound for satisffactione of the Cure all which is not only nottourly know’n in the place But alsoe is testified by the heritors minister elders and indwallers of the said toune and parochin of Ellon ther testificats under their hands therwith produced, The petitioner has utterly Lost his stock and is randered incapable to follow his trade of merchandizeing and brewing and he and his family redacted to extream poverty And Therfore Humbly Suplicating the saids Lords to the effect aftermentioned The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them be the above Robert Davidsone Togither with the severall testificats produced therwith They heirby allow a voluntar Collectione to be made for the petitioners releiff in all the paroch Churches and meeting housses within the shyres of Aberdein, Banff, and Kincairdine and Touns within the same, And appoints intimatione of this Collectione to be made at the severall parish Churches and meetting houses within the bounds forsaids upon the Lords day Immediatly preceiding the said Collectione.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 182v-183r.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 182v-183r.