Act, 14 February 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Edinburgh Thursday 14th February 1695



Act Discharging Suspensions sist or stop to debtors of the Commissioners for the peace of the Highlands

Anent a Representatione given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be the Lord Murray at the desyre of the Commissioners of Justiciary for secureing the peace of the Highlands Shewing That ther being a decreet pronunced by the saids Commissioners upon the Twentie fourth day of november Last In favors of Alexander Robertsone in Anlich and Hary Christiesone procurator phiscall against Malcome Mcphersone and Lauchlane Mcintosh in Badenoch for Goods stollen by them ther Servants or others of theer hounding out who not Compeiring (tho Lawfullie cited) The Commissioners Decerned in absence Conforme to their former practise nevertheless Did superceid extracting till the Eight of January therafter being the nixt Court day and incase the defenders should then Compeir they should be heard upon their defences without payment of any expences yet Nothwithstanding the defenders did apply to the saids Lords befor the said Court day and upon some made up reasones and Misinformations prevailled for a sist for a Considerable time But they were so Conscious to themselves of their being guilty and that ther misinformations would be discovered, That they Importuned the pursuers to ane agreement and Gave them a blank bond to fill up what soume they pleased Which Gave Ground to the saids Commissioners of Justiciary Humbly to desyre the saids Lords would be pleased not to Grant any sist or stopt Except those who apply therfore produce before the saids Lords ane extract of the Commissioners sentance under the Clerks hand and to allow the saids Commissioners or any two of the sederunt who pronunced the Decreet to see and answer any such Complaint which may heirafter be given in to the saids Lords Wherby they humbly Conceaved ther proceidings would be Justified and the saids Lords not troubled except upon Just and relevant grounds as the said representatione more fully bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this representatione given in to them be the above Lord Murray They hereby Discharge any suspensione sist or stopts to be given to the Decreets or sentances pronunced be the saids Commissioners, Except these who apply therfore produce the extract of the Decreet or Sentance under the saids Commissioners Clerks hands or ane instrument under a nottars hand, Bearing that they Requyred the extract from the Clerk and that the Clerk refused to give the same And Recomends to the saids Commissioners to Cause ther Clerk give extracts of the saids sentances or Decreets and alsoe of the minuts of proces if the sam shall be requyred.

Edinburgh Thursday 14th February 1695



Act Discharging Suspensions sist or stop to debtors of the Commissioners for the peace of the Highlands

Anent a Representatione given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be the Lord Murray at the desyre of the Commissioners of Justiciary for secureing the peace of the Highlands Shewing That ther being a decreet pronunced by the saids Commissioners upon the Twentie fourth day of november Last In favors of Alexander Robertsone in Anlich and Hary Christiesone procurator phiscall against Malcome Mcphersone and Lauchlane Mcintosh in Badenoch for Goods stollen by them ther Servants or others of theer hounding out who not Compeiring (tho Lawfullie cited) The Commissioners Decerned in absence Conforme to their former practise nevertheless Did superceid extracting till the Eight of January therafter being the nixt Court day and incase the defenders should then Compeir they should be heard upon their defences without payment of any expences yet Nothwithstanding the defenders did apply to the saids Lords befor the said Court day and upon some made up reasones and Misinformations prevailled for a sist for a Considerable time But they were so Conscious to themselves of their being guilty and that ther misinformations would be discovered, That they Importuned the pursuers to ane agreement and Gave them a blank bond to fill up what soume they pleased Which Gave Ground to the saids Commissioners of Justiciary Humbly to desyre the saids Lords would be pleased not to Grant any sist or stopt Except those who apply therfore produce before the saids Lords ane extract of the Commissioners sentance under the Clerks hand and to allow the saids Commissioners or any two of the sederunt who pronunced the Decreet to see and answer any such Complaint which may heirafter be given in to the saids Lords Wherby they humbly Conceaved ther proceidings would be Justified and the saids Lords not troubled except upon Just and relevant grounds as the said representatione more fully bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this representatione given in to them be the above Lord Murray They hereby Discharge any suspensione sist or stopts to be given to the Decreets or sentances pronunced be the saids Commissioners, Except these who apply therfore produce the extract of the Decreet or Sentance under the saids Commissioners Clerks hands or ane instrument under a nottars hand, Bearing that they Requyred the extract from the Clerk and that the Clerk refused to give the same And Recomends to the saids Commissioners to Cause ther Clerk give extracts of the saids sentances or Decreets and alsoe of the minuts of proces if the sam shall be requyred.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 179r-179v.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 179r-179v.