Act, 21 February 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Edinburgh Thursday 21 February 1695



Act Jean Durhame

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Jean Durhame spouse to John Foubster They heirby appoint the said John Foubster instantly to delyver the petitioners Cloathes to her, or to delyver to the baillies of the Cannogate the keyes of the said John his dwalling house and of the Chists or trunks wher these Cloaths are to the effect the same may be taken out and Delyvered to her quherin if he faillie being requyred appoints the baillies of the Cannogate Immediatly herafter to make open and patent the doors of his said house and to break open the Chists or trunks wher the petitioners Cloathes may be and to take out and delyver the same to her.

Edinburgh Thursday 21 February 1695



Act Jean Durhame

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Jean Durhame spouse to John Foubster They heirby appoint the said John Foubster instantly to delyver the petitioners Cloathes to her, or to delyver to the baillies of the Cannogate the keyes of the said John his dwalling house and of the Chists or trunks wher these Cloaths are to the effect the same may be taken out and Delyvered to her quherin if he faillie being requyred appoints the baillies of the Cannogate Immediatly herafter to make open and patent the doors of his said house and to break open the Chists or trunks wher the petitioners Cloathes may be and to take out and delyver the same to her.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 185v-186r.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 185v-186r.