Commission by the Council, 28 February 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh thursday the tuentie and eight day of Februarie Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years


Commission by the Council

Comissione anent three Countreymen in Dumbartane Castle

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill being informed that three peaceable countreymen were imprisoned in the Castle of Dumbartone by a party allowed to Captaine John Cunynghame furth of the said Castle for seazing Desertors which Countreymen are apprehended as is informed by warrand from the Laird of Luss They Hereby give full power and Commissione to […] Mcoula of Adnaple […] Fergusone of Ketloch Luett governour of Dumbarton Castle The present provost of Dumbartone and […] Cathcart one of the officers of the said Castle of Dumbartoune To examine the Case of the said three Countreymen And to Hear them and the Laird of Luss by whose ordor they are alleadged to be apprehended and the officers or others who imprisoned or pretend interest to them With power to the foresaid persones hereby Commissionat to sett the said prisoners at Liberty if they shall find just and reasonable Causes for doeing thereof And in the meantyme Appoynts the said Countreymen to be continowed prisoners and not to 2 be delyvered out of the said Castle either to the officers who imprisoned them or any others untill the above Commissioners give their determinatione therein And appoynts the said Commissioners to make their Report of thir whole procedor in this matter to the Councill and whether they have liberat the said persones or not and Declares any three of the said Commissioners to be a sufficient quorum

At Edinburgh thursday the tuentie and eight day of Februarie Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years


Commission by the Council

Comissione anent three Countreymen in Dumbartane Castle

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill being informed that three peaceable countreymen were imprisoned in the Castle of Dumbartone by a party allowed to Captaine John Cunynghame furth of the said Castle for seazing Desertors which Countreymen are apprehended as is informed by warrand from the Laird of Luss They Hereby give full power and Commissione to […] Mcoula of Adnaple […] Fergusone of Ketloch Luett governour of Dumbarton Castle The present provost of Dumbartone and […] Cathcart one of the officers of the said Castle of Dumbartoune To examine the Case of the said three Countreymen And to Hear them and the Laird of Luss by whose ordor they are alleadged to be apprehended and the officers or others who imprisoned or pretend interest to them With power to the foresaid persones hereby Commissionat to sett the said prisoners at Liberty if they shall find just and reasonable Causes for doeing thereof And in the meantyme Appoynts the said Countreymen to be continowed prisoners and not to 2 be delyvered out of the said Castle either to the officers who imprisoned them or any others untill the above Commissioners give their determinatione therein And appoynts the said Commissioners to make their Report of thir whole procedor in this matter to the Councill and whether they have liberat the said persones or not and Declares any three of the said Commissioners to be a sufficient quorum

1. NRS, PC1/50, 137-8.

2. The letter ‘d’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 137-8.

2. The letter ‘d’ scored out here.