At Edinburgh tuesday 29th January 1695
Letter: royal
Letter from the King appoynting Sir George Campbell of Cessnock to be added to the privy Council
The following letter being read was ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth sic suprascribitur William Rex Right trusty and right well beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trusty and intirely Beloved Cousin, and Councillor Right trust and right weill beloved Cousins and Councillors and Right trusty and well beloved Cousins and Councillors and trustie and trustie2 welbeloved Councillors we greet you well Whereas in consideratione of the Loyaltie and abilities of our trustie and welbeloved Sir George Campbell of Cesnock we have thought fitt to add him to our privy Councill there These are therefore to authorize and requyre you To admitt and receive him into that our privy Councill in the ordinarie forme and method in such cases accustomed for doeing whereof this shall be your warrant and so we bid you heartily farewell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the nynteenth day of December Jaj vjc nynty and four years and of our Reigne the sexth year By his majesties Command sic subscribitur J Johnstoune
1. NRS, PC1/50, 109.
2. Sic.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 109.
2. Sic.