Act, 5 December 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the fifth day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Act and recomendation William Dumbar magazin keeper of Bamffs accompts

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the report of a comittie of ther own number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting by his majesties forces to the Countrie beareing that the comittie haveing considered the accompts given to them as resting be his majesties forces upon Scotts pay to William Dumbar maister or keeper of the magazin at Bamff with the instructiones and verificationes therof They find the haill articles of the saids accompts Sufficiently verified and proven befor the comissioners of Supply within the Shyre of Bamff Conforme to the comissioners reports upon the end of the saids accompts Subscribed be them beareing the accompts to be the Just and true accompts of the particular recepts and qwantities of corn and straw furnished owt of the said magazin be the said William Dumbar maister or keeper therof and by the countrie at his desyre, truly compared Sein and revised by the Saids comissioners and attested to be true and reall recepts of corn and Straw receaved be the officers and gentlemen of the troupes therin contained which accompts with the Saids reports written upon the end therof And Severall of the saids recepts were all produced to and considered by the said comittie And finds that conforme to the saids accompts and verificationes therof which are all for corn and straw at Six pund Scotts per boll being the price appointed be the saids comissioners Ther is resting be his majesties forces upon Scotts pay to the said William Dumbar the Soumes following viz by the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragownes the Soume of Eight Hundereth and eightie Six pund Seventyne Shilling Six pennies Scotts Item be The Laird of Edinglassie his troupe of horse the Soume of Ten punds Six Shilling four pennies Scotts Item by The Lord Bellhaven his troupe of horse the Soume of Eight Eight2 Hundereth and threttie punds Scotts extending the haill Soumes forsaids resting be his majesties forces upon Scotts pay to the said William Dumbar to the Soume of Ane Thousand Seven hundereth and tuentie Seven pund thrie Shilling ten pennies money foirsaid And finds that the haill articles wherof this Last Soume is made up uere all furnished preceeding the first day of february Jaj vic nyntie one yeirs And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth session of this current parliament intituled act for polemoney and proclamationes of Counsell relative therto And finds that by ane act of the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaurie Dated the Eighteenth of March Jaj vic nyntie ane yeirs The then generall receavers were appointed to pay the said soume And by a declaratione under hands of the saids generall receavers that they have not payed the same which act and Declaratione were both produced to and considered be the said comittie And therfor the said comittie are of opinion that the said Soume of Ane thousand Seven hundereth and twentie seven pund thrie Shilling ten pennies Scotts is to be payed to the said William Drumbar out of the polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie yeirs And that he is to be recommended to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the forsaid polemoney for payment of the same to him accordingly As the said report bears The saids Lords of his majesties of privie Counsell haveing considered the above report They heirby approve therof And recomends to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the pole money imposed anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie to cause make payment to the said William Drumbar of the said Soume of Ane Thowsand Seven Hundereth twentie Seven pund thrie Shilling ten pennies Scotts And that out of the said pole money.

Att Edinburgh the fifth day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Act and recomendation William Dumbar magazin keeper of Bamffs accompts

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the report of a comittie of ther own number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting by his majesties forces to the Countrie beareing that the comittie haveing considered the accompts given to them as resting be his majesties forces upon Scotts pay to William Dumbar maister or keeper of the magazin at Bamff with the instructiones and verificationes therof They find the haill articles of the saids accompts Sufficiently verified and proven befor the comissioners of Supply within the Shyre of Bamff Conforme to the comissioners reports upon the end of the saids accompts Subscribed be them beareing the accompts to be the Just and true accompts of the particular recepts and qwantities of corn and straw furnished owt of the said magazin be the said William Dumbar maister or keeper therof and by the countrie at his desyre, truly compared Sein and revised by the Saids comissioners and attested to be true and reall recepts of corn and Straw receaved be the officers and gentlemen of the troupes therin contained which accompts with the Saids reports written upon the end therof And Severall of the saids recepts were all produced to and considered by the said comittie And finds that conforme to the saids accompts and verificationes therof which are all for corn and straw at Six pund Scotts per boll being the price appointed be the saids comissioners Ther is resting be his majesties forces upon Scotts pay to the said William Dumbar the Soumes following viz by the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragownes the Soume of Eight Hundereth and eightie Six pund Seventyne Shilling Six pennies Scotts Item be The Laird of Edinglassie his troupe of horse the Soume of Ten punds Six Shilling four pennies Scotts Item by The Lord Bellhaven his troupe of horse the Soume of Eight Eight2 Hundereth and threttie punds Scotts extending the haill Soumes forsaids resting be his majesties forces upon Scotts pay to the said William Dumbar to the Soume of Ane Thousand Seven hundereth and tuentie Seven pund thrie Shilling ten pennies money foirsaid And finds that the haill articles wherof this Last Soume is made up uere all furnished preceeding the first day of february Jaj vic nyntie one yeirs And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth session of this current parliament intituled act for polemoney and proclamationes of Counsell relative therto And finds that by ane act of the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaurie Dated the Eighteenth of March Jaj vic nyntie ane yeirs The then generall receavers were appointed to pay the said soume And by a declaratione under hands of the saids generall receavers that they have not payed the same which act and Declaratione were both produced to and considered be the said comittie And therfor the said comittie are of opinion that the said Soume of Ane thousand Seven hundereth and twentie seven pund thrie Shilling ten pennies Scotts is to be payed to the said William Drumbar out of the polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie yeirs And that he is to be recommended to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the forsaid polemoney for payment of the same to him accordingly As the said report bears The saids Lords of his majesties of privie Counsell haveing considered the above report They heirby approve therof And recomends to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the pole money imposed anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie to cause make payment to the said William Drumbar of the said Soume of Ane Thowsand Seven Hundereth twentie Seven pund thrie Shilling ten pennies Scotts And that out of the said pole money.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 50v-51v.

2. Sic.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 50v-51v.

2. Sic.